
Oh I’d bet the farm that Millenia does his spray-tanning for him. If you look back at old pix of Cheeto, he wasn’t orange until after he hooked up with Millenia. She knows he’s a nasty prick who likes to force himself on attractive women -- & he would insist on having someone “really hot” to do his spray tans. So

Dump’s hardcore “base” are a bunch of mouth-breathing fucktards who are just as bigoted as he is, so of course they have no problem with anything he says. But that base is shrinking fast now because the Southern Baptist contigent ain’t having pussy-grabbin’ from their candidate. Now, the putrid salmon fillet in a

I believe the Repubs have got it exactly right this time. They’re buggimg mot becuz Cheeto said he grabs females by the pussy, but becuz he admitted that he assaults ramdom females at will. Which makes him a predator & puts him thisclose to being a rapist. Which makes him radioactive to all the Repub facing

It would be much easier for the GOP to just have him whacked & move Pemce to the top of the ticket. It’s clearly feasible — it would just have to be am imside job.

And now there is coffee & saliva all over my laptop screen, thankyouverymuch Ghost! I must logoff & try to clean this thing before it turns into a sticky mess or shorts out. Y’all are too damn crazy this morning... 

Say what? The entire Dump campaign has been bullshit central from Day 1! You’re giving Kellyanne too much credit. Paul Manafort was an experienced professional — if he couldn’t put Cheeto in check, why did Kellyanne think she’d be able to? She didn’t — she just wanted that big check every month for as long as she

But there’s no accounting for taste (of mentally retarded yahoos in Wisconsin). Jean Stanley prolly fantasizes about Cheeto’s stubby little fingers grabbing her pussy every night.

Good For Her, Better for You! Hollywood will be much better off with more women working behind the camera instead of chasing acting roles. Can you tell us what show she’s working on so I can look for it?

Wow, all the planets have aligned for you -- Congrats Mocena! Wishing you a blissful pregnancy & a healthy baby in 2017.

Nah, she bagged the debate prep yesterday. Right about now, Hillary’s doing reverse cowgirl on Bill with a glass of champagne in hand while Springsteen’s Born to Run plays in the background. If any day in 2016 merits a celebratory fuck for the Clinton’s, this is that day. And afterwards, they’ll spoon & figure out how

Wow, I missed that. Thanks everso for the update!

What’s odd is that I have yet to see anyone from Dump’s evangelical wing standing up to condemn his filthy remarks. Or any of the real Christians who warned that Cheeto was a phony pointing out the lack of spiritual discernment shown by all those pastors who supported him, hoping they’d get future funding from his

I had 2 cats. My Maine Coon died in Aug. (age 15). My remaining kitteh is a short-haired tabby so shedding’s no problem. My MC cat was a big, sweet, fluffy baby who loved to be brushed. Long-haired cats like Maine Coons should be brushed twice a week minimum, but our bedtime ritual was that I gave him a good brush-up

How awful! You MUST get drunk immediately. Send up the alarm to your girls, have them bring you a few bottles of champers & some treats. Or tequila & the fixings for Margaritas if you’re not the champagne type. Meanwhile, get your ass in the bathroom, break out your makeup kit & give yourself the fiercest beat

Ooooh, can I come over for dinner ,Captain? I didn’t feel like cooking, so I had breakfast for dinner. So my meal was 4 deviled eggs & 2 strips of bacon leftover from breakfast.

Yes, Dump married Millenia in Jan. 2005. That recording was made a few months later. Barron wasn’t born until March 2006.

Ivanka had my sympathies, but I have no fucks to give about Dump’s  Eurotrash-hooker-illegal-immigrant-plagarist current wife. Cheeto’s past had been well-reported in the NY press by the time she met him, so Millenia knew exactly who she as marrying.

Oh, I’m lighting candles & praying that Hillary will have the balls to go for the kill if Dump dares to bring up Bill’s cheating! She’s never spoken honestly about it, but if he tries to humiliate her Sunday, she needs to own her decision to stand by her man, then dis Cheeto for the pot calling the kettle black. She

Ooooohh, I never even considered that Dump might pull a no-show! But I don’t see that happening. Cheeto’s bruised ego will compel him to do the debate because he’s delusional enough gto think he can redeem himself somehow by besting her.

That fact is no longer true. Even the most deluded dumpsters can’t excuse this. No self-respecting male with a wife or a daughter can continue supporting Cheeto-the-pussy-grabber after this. Neither can anyone with a vagina.