
Aaand this is why Evangelicals are supporting a thrice-married philanderer who, up until recently, supported abortion rights.

I’m a little rusty on my Genesis, but on what day did god decide the female/male soccer question?

That is literally the same excuse some ultraconservative Salafist/Wahhabist might give. Although I imagine the people who’d flip out over that are somehow okay with this.

If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.

Every job I’ve worked at has generally had a 3 day no call no show policy as grounds for termination, there is so much more to this story that I am surprised they even bothered posting about it. They seem to have nothing but contempt for their readers.

That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

Please tell us how this black woman should react to several officers pointing guns at her black husband who suffers from a traumatic brain injury.

That’s me (bugs bunny) in meetings with bosses who don’t know anything about technical design, but have “power”.

“Whole bunch of fire got all up in there. Made the rocket get blowed up real good.”

I’d pay attention because as a police officer, my job would be to pay attention and be aware of as many of the facts as possible before shooting a citizen I’m paid to protect.

Are you a cop? Can cops use that as an excuse every situation they get into?

And you’d have killed a person who didn’t have a gun and wasn’t an actual threat to you.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

That and “stop resisting”. Wasn’t there video a few months ago of cops swarming over a dead guy “stop resisting, stop resisting!” while he just lay there and violently decomposed at them?

There’s a huge difference between this video and a Pulitzer prize winning photo.

Ah, well I guess that’s why she looks like one, then, lol. A woman who can throw a mean screwball needs to have more muscle, I think.

Nope, it’s not about white dreads, it’s about discriminating against blacks and it’s now deemed court-sanctioned discrimination.

“I’d love to hear someone tell a white woman that she always has the option to shave her head to get a job.”

No way any white person with dreads is being told they have to shave their head or they can’t work at Portland’s third best food co-op. This is such bullshit.

I’d love to hear someone tell a white woman that she always has the option to shave her head to get a job. Sounds totally reasonable, right?