
Even if Jim Carrey did get the pills for her, she and she alone is responsible for taking her own life. Nobody can make anybody commit suicide. Blaming Carrey for White suicide is like blaming a widow for supplying unending amounts of unhealthy food to a spouse that died of a heart attack.

Yes on the fixed. Can’t always agree on the keep them inside. I’m getting two new barn cats this week. I lost my old barn kitty in the spring and you cannot believe the rat issue that has developed. I had none. Not one rat in that barn while barn kitty was around. Within a week they were moving back in. We’ve tried to

Exactly. Expecting a predator not to predate is essentially expecting to ignore millions of years of evolution.

Brb, gonna go pitch Copspital to NBC.

I’ll be in the car with my husband and I’ll be all “Spit it out!” because she takes FOR-EVAR to get to her question!

Some people refuse to get their cats fixed and when they are in heat those same owners fail find to them when they run away to mate. Ad those shitty owners to ones that just turn the cats loose instead of taking them with them when they move and you got enough people to keep the simple problem from being solved

you want to know what is an ecological disaster responsible for the extinction of thousands of species? People. People wipe out 50 species a month.
how did rats and cats and coyotes become the dominant predators? because People wiped out all the other small and medium predators opening an ecological niche and

Keep your cats fixed and indoors. I don’t think cats can help killing birds and rodents — they’re really good at it and they enjoy it. They have a physical competence few humans will ever be comparable to. But they don’t need to do it, just keep them indoors and problem solved.

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

Yes, as a matter of fact, this is precisely what I want... I want this sack of exrement disguised as a human being to die.. preferrably slowly and painfully if at all possible.

He’s between a rock and a hard place because he needs to pivot (I hate this word) on this issue to ever have a hope of getting more than like 3% of the AA vote, but then again he’ll lose a lot of his current supporters for doing this (for my uncle this would be a deal-breaker for him) so he’s fucked either way. Plus

I work at a family planning clinic. Your blood and urine samples and the vast majority of your health history as well as a pelvic exam have exactly zero to do with your birth control prescription. Uterine fibroids and cysts are not discovered at any routine doctors office unless you’re being seen for a problem where

I think the most concrete stuff has to do with what was revealed in the Newsweek story yesterday.

Really what they mean as it applies to Trump is “he says racist things out loud and I like that”.

He doesn’t even want to be president— he just wants to win a contest. He wants to be seen as a winner. He’s a sandbox bully writ large. The prize doesn’t matter, it’s the winning that counts.

“He tells it like it is! He’s a straight talker!”

To be fair, the GOP has been angling for a war with Iran for years. It’s not just Trump.

Precisely. The only “policy” Trump has is to get himself elected. He isn’t doing this out of loyalty to a country that made him rich, or out of a will to change things, or out of a burning desire to help, he’s doing this because then he will have a four year platform to indulge his narcissism on the world stage. Hell,

It works in Europe—I wonder if this is somehow provided for? I mean, medical supervision when you can just walk in and buy it.

Then why doesn’t he just sit down & shut the fuck up about our election, if he’s absenting himself from democracy? Just stay the fuck home, don’t vote, and don’t ask us to give a fuck about you! Jesus WEPT, but this clammy spoiled savage little cunt really gets on my last nerve.