
It’s a good word. I vote for adding it to the dictionary, STAT!

I just bark-laughed at blent. Thank god my office is almost deserted.

Not sure I like the idea of giving seats to pregnant women any more than I like expectant-mother parking spaces. Ladies are strong enough to not need such coddling.

He'd like you to think so.

What an amateur hour painting. Those hands are far too big to be Trump’s.

I’m not opposed to the VA paying for the surgery for vets or even active service members. I’m opposed to paying for it for a criminal who didn’t even start her transition until after her conviction.

No, it’s about her crimes. That’s why it’s a military prison. She could’ve left the military and gotten the surgery, instead she chose to stay a man, stay in the military, commit several crimes, and then demand the government cover the cost of her transition which she wasn’t willing to do herself when she was free to

I hope it doesn’t. The last we need is people committing crime just to get their gender assignment surgery done. The current statute says the government is obligated to provide treatment that maintains the transition at the current state the inmate was in when they were convicted. They’re not obligated to move the

She clearly didn’t give a flying fuck about serving in the military now did she?

She was free to not commit the crime and have the surgery all on her own at any time she chose to.

Now now, he only added the bra so he the people around him would know this is a woman. You know, since white male is the “default” human being and anyone else needs to be marked as other.

Voting is ultimately an act of choosing outcomes, and not an effective instrument to express personal views, convictions and personal ideology.

The way I see it, this is not the time to go for a 3rd party, it’s too late in the game to make a difference. This election will be fucked if people who dislike Clinton on principle don’t vote for her over Trump. Suck it up and vote for her as the lesser of 2 evils (even if it’s a small margin) and then start

And yet, they get upset when you call them this.

No, it isn’t. Hillary is a marginally worse candidate than the Dems usually put forward. Trump is a walking pile of garbage. The choice is pretty fucking simple.

Voting is ultimately an act of choosing outcomes, and not an effective instrument to express personal views, convictions and personal ideology.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the purity test. Of all the ways we liberals shoot ourselves in the foot, this one is my absolute favorite.

Really? She’s worse than Dukakis? She’s worse than Kerry? She’s worse than her husband (who won twice)? No, she’s not. Never was and never will be. And, yeah, she’s better than Trump.

Not really. It’s choosing between the flu and stage 4 brain cancer. Yes, both can kill you, but one is a much better option.