
Not to mention running a campground in an area zoned for single-family homes.

it’s cool and all, but i personally, am for building regulations and enforcing them. renting a non-code compliant space out on airbnb doesnt sit well with me.

“Chasser is pretty clearly not hurting anyone, besides possibly herself in a hurricane situation.”

While I admire her honesty, doesn’t she have a BFF to vent to? And wouldn’t that BFF tell her, “Maybe keep some of this shit between us, huh?”


Even then I don’t think he really “cares” about them. They’re just tools or playthings used to help amuse him or help him achieve whatever flight of fancy passes through that vast crater he calls his head.

Yes, a sociopath will do anything to achieve his ends, including discrimination.

What devalues the impact of racism is people like you downplaying people when they actually call out racism.

Except he said he didn’t want black people working as accountants at his company and he has almost no black executives, and he has said things about women that pretty much indicate that he only thinks of us as sex objects, and he has been accused several times of sexual assault. So there’s your racism and sexism. So

He has been discriminating against black people since the 70's. What is discrimination if it’s not hate?

He’s definitely got a history of misogyny and anti-black racism, at least, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to just let him off the hook for it.

Nah, I’mma make fun of her as a 41-year-old lesbian “virgin.” (I put it in quotes because of 30+ years of masturbation!) What is this whole...THIS???!!!?? This is the problem—the “I’m better than you because I’m pure, and therefore a better feminist!” bullshit. It doesn’t make ANY sense! Hell, we know that there are

It just occurred to me Bryan really doesn’t even need feminism - she could have achieved being an unmarried virgin centuries ago.

There is nothing inherently feminist about anything except for not being treated differently (more oftenly, worse) because of your choices, actions, and beliefs since you don't have a penis.

Feel free to disagree with me. Here’s my take. Choosing chastity as a woman isn’t feminism. Choosing chastity as a woman and having the right to not be judged as less or more of a human being because of it is feminism.

I got the autisms from reading this doctor’s idiot explanation.

My vaccinated daughter and I sure enjoyed our mild bout of whooping cough a couple years ago, I guess it had nothing to do with the 72% of the kindergartners at her school being unvaccinated.

I know that women should not be known as “wife of…” or be held liable for their husbands’ actions or inactions, but do you mean the Andrea Mitchell who is Mrs. Alan Greenspan? (Although they hired her long before she married Greenspan.) NBC is also the same network who hired Chelsea Clinton at $600,000 a year, and of

You are spot on. Lauer, for all practical purposes, got on his knees and chugged some Trump cock, all 1 1/2 inches of the cheeto-pecker.

Well considering Gawker Media employees are the most mediocare white people in new media and you still like them, it clearing doesn’t amaze you that much.