
The real question is, after the death of Tamir Rice, why are Black parents still giving their sons toy guns to play with?  We are begging the cops to shoot our boys when we give something like that as a “toy”. 

Ms. Merlan,

YAASSSS! The Press is finally going in on all of Dump’s dirt, with 7 wks. left until election day.

Yes she did & God bless Ilma Gore her for being such a brillantly talented, ballsy babe!

Nope, sorry but that’s wrong. “Beliefs & attitudes” are meaningless until a significant number of people embrace & act on them. Hillary had every right to call out the bigots who express those beliefs because The People Are The Problem. A generation from now, the idea that anyone opposed same-sex marriage will be hard

Yes I do. To this day, I still cannot understand why Alison didn’t leave his ass after he did bits about her miscarriage on the air back in the 1980s.

A Democratic president and Congress would enact a fuckload of change.

Nah, sometimes your cat is only nuzzling your elbow becasue he wants some of what’s on your plate. Mine likes to taste test everything I eat.

The hell it don’t! This chick is tall, curvy & lies that she’s only a size 18. But she’s clockin’ dollaz now! That could be you on the cover of SI next year, Sam.

I wasn’t being sarcastic at all — I don’t follow football & don’t know much about college recruiting. I didn’t even know who Colin Kaepernick was until he sat down.

When professional virgins get to write propaganda pieces in a major newspaper making themselves out to be superior to the non-virgins of the world, it affects me. And my right to free speech says I can drag them all I want.

Please provide a link to a piece you’ve read by an American Liberal praising the hijab & claiming that Islam is “cool” because I’ve never heard anyone say that shit, ever.

And both of your friends are breaking the law & cheating on their taxes by not having the proper licensing required for landlords, which is what they are. A basement apt. with a separate entrance & a building with an office AND an apt. on the ground floor — those are commercial properties. That’s completely different

But AirBnB fits the definition of a “broker”, so the FHA rules should still apply to people renting rooms in a single-family home. ‘

Bur you’d still need to round up the 300 million guns (literally, per the Congressional Research Service) that people already own. And that’s when the anti-guvamint yahoos would start barricading themselves in their homes with the 37 guns they already own, ready for a firefight.

Plenty of AirBnB rentals are for a room in a home that someone is currently living. They are NOT all ‘investment properties’, esp. the rentals in other countries. My sister went to Cuba in July & stayed in a room in a young couple’s home for 2 weeks. The were excellent hosts ^ she had a great time.

It could be a murder-suicide that happened because the 2 girls were lovers. And I’m (almost) ashamed to say it, but with their lax gun laws, restrictive TRAP laws & the hillbilly mentality that runs rampant there, I give less than a shit when someone gets blown away in Texas by anyone other than a cop. Y’all made that

Rape kits belong in the hospial ER, not at campus health services. You need proper medical attention after a rape — there may be internal injuries that require treatment, you’ll need the AIDS PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis meds). Completing the rape kit that will be used to investigate the crime requires a forensic

A vial of botox (100 units) costs the doctor, any doctor, appx. $530. It must be reconstituted with saline before being injected. If you see your neurologist & get a few injections to treat your dystonia, it’ll cost you the price of your insurance co-payment. See a plastic surgeon or dermatologist in a major city for

Don’t most NBA players get recruited from colleges or high school? What “leagues” are they drafting players from?