
Ditto. They look like she stole them from someone’s Jewish grandmother. But Parker herself looks fab in that blue-on-blue outfit & no make-up.

No you haven’t, Squid. You see his screename — ignore him.

So the average Brit is just as big a fucktard as the average American? Why did I think English men were better behaved?

It would all disappear in a day if Anna Wintour would just take a photo of the check & post it on Instagram with a note: “I’m sorry Kanye, I’m returning your check — what you’re paying me to pretend you’re a brilliant designer just isn’t worth it. My professional credibility has evaporated. My eyes are bleeding from

But why were so many of them tripping on their shoes? Did Yeeze drug them or something?

If a wanna-be porn star with an fake ass the size of a donkey’s is your idea of beauty, I guess...

But getting coked up with a motormouth was the BEST! We’d get blazed, hit the karaoke bar & he’d be up there singing all night — & paying for our drinks while we sat at the bar laughing. Good times...

But did you ever remember ratting yourself out to the cops after doing coke? No? Didn’t think so. WTF made this guy, who had gotten away with it!, walk up the po-po at the Sydney airport & confess? Did he feel the need for a long vacation in an Aussie prison?

No Zombie, love — you’re forgeting about the inevitable Oct. Surprise. Are you just a podling & too young to remember the 1992 election? Reagan’s Defense Secy. Caspar Weinberger was implicated in Iran-Contra scandal days before the Bush v. Clinton v. Ross Perot election — & that shit worked! Clinton won by a

Then you’re just as qualified as Cheeto. Or Yeezy, since he claims he’s gonna run. .

YAAASS! “Only one candidate has engaged in actual proven illegal activity with their foundation” — & that candidate is DONALD DUMP.

Quick, send them on holiday to Canada before it’s too late! They’ll love Montreal & Quebec — they’re French enough to feel foreign but close enough to home to still be comfy. They won’t need passports, the flight will be short, the people there are great & the food is excellent. They’ll love it & come home inspired to

The MSM is NOT shrugging this off — the cable news networks are. It’s been covered today by all the major print media outlets — NY Times, LA Times (they broke the story back in June), Miami Herald, The Daily News, the Chicago Sun Times. They all carried it on their websites, so did the news sites for ABC, NBC, CBS.

The law may state that a prisoner can’t “consent” to sex with CO, but in the real world, some women do choose to trade sex for favors from the prison guards. The fact that this one kept in touch with Balzer via email & Facebook after she got out makes it clear that the relationship was consensual. Should the state

But look on the bright side: Plenty of those Repub yahoos in TX & FL will end up with Zika babies that their states will have to provide care for. And when those redneck moms realize how fucked their lives are, they’ll also realize that Planned Parenthood was the only resource in their area that could have provided

Yes, but at a roast, there is no concept of “stooping” to someone’s level. You start with the low-hanging fruit then work your way up the tree. Ranking on someone’s looks is always the opener. But WTF was Ann Cunter even invited to a roast for Rob Lowe?

Wait, Flamingo — can you clarify that for me? By women would do a lot of this nitty gritty work” do you mean women were writing computer code? For NASA in the early days of the space program? And even Black women were hired without having computer science degrees?

According, if you can’t bother to present a decent counter-argument, at least have the courtesy to refrain from putting words in my mouth. Save the straw man bs for someone else.

Then maybe the better choice is to let people with mutilated faces die instead of saving them. If a dog ripped off my face or it was destroyed in a fire, I’d rather be allowed to die — that’s just me. But the fact that doctors can save people doesn’t mean they always should.

Ailes was harassing female employees at Fux News for DECADES. There are 10 other women who have contacted the same law firm Gretchen used because they also want to file sexual harassment suits. Many of the female staffers did speak out & complain about Ailes, but they were demoted &/or ignored. And now, the harasser