
ROFL but they don’t serve apple pie during breakfast! That is the only item on their menu that actually tastes like food & is not so unhealthy that it could kill you instantly. So why were you even in McDonald’s at 9:50am? (And don’t say “for coffee”, even Dunkin Donuts has better coffee than Mickey D’s.)

Ok, please clarify “my day to day weekly spending is about $200 week including food”. By that you mean $200 a week in “walking around money”, correct? Which does not include what you pay for rent, utilities, cabs & subway rides, dry cleaning, entertainment, personal grooming, dental & medical care, i.e. all the other

DAY-um! HRH sure is a cheap ol’ biddy.

But why, oh why, didn’t SHE get a gun & keep it on her once she got away from that freak? PA is one of those lax states, anyone 21 or over can carry. Tierne could’ve blown hs head off & gotten away with it because of his past record.

Not when you kidnap an adult & don’t cross the state line. Taking the victim to another state is what makes kidnapping a federal offense.

And what “justice” is left for Tierne’s family now? Try to sue the idiot judge who let their daughter’s killer out on bail & gave him house arrest?

Thanx for your condolences. But your cats have never hacked the automatic food dispenser?

ROFLMBAO!! Where the hell did you ever find that graphic?

Sometimes it’s like that poem.

Cheeto’s utter comtempt for women is underscored by the fact that he even hired a stupid twat like Conway in the first place.

Those reveal parties are just a marketing thing, I don’t know anyone who’s thrown one. But knowing the sex of your baby before the birth counts for a lot if you’ve got 2 girls already & were trying for a boy, or vice versa. Plus you’ve gotta buy baby clothes so knowing the gender is important. I don’t generally gush

Yes, Demi did it first, & best. I remember getting that issue in the mail back when I still subscribed & my first thought was “Damn, those earrings are sick!” Her belly didn’t interest me at all. But now, pregnant celebs seem to think they’re entitled to be on the cover of some magazine naked & looking like they

Do you feed you cat in the AM or PM? I feed mine once a day in the evening specifically so she won’t be harassing me for breakfast at the crack of dawn’s butt.

Southern Repubs will never act on an issue that comes anywhere near requiring that abortion be more readily available & that is what this is really about.

No apologies necessary. Some things need to be conveyed in caps.

But did you see this shit? I’m off he compter for one day & the wide world of sports just loses it’s mind.

Quag, you know what this is about! It’s the same attitude those crackaz have towards Obama going on holiday & playing golf. They think he should only get 2 wks. vacation a year because they want him to act like a servant, not like the Commander in Chief. Now the rednecks are having a collective stoke over Kaepernick

God bless you & your spouse, Manny -- y’all done good! You should post YouTube videos showing people how you get your rugrats to sleep until 8am. But how do you manage as hellacious a start time as 7am? Hopefully, you’re off work by 3:00 so you can get your sexy time in before you pick up the kids from your

My my favorite 2nd cousin just had gorgeous twin girls not quite 2 mos. ago. My mom & I go visit them regularly & THAT NEW BABY SMELL THO’!  Meu Deus! It’s more addictive than Peruvian flake from back in the ‘80s. That incredible, primal smell seriously gets my juices flowing. Which is insane since I’m nearly 56. But

Oh you more than answered my question Camel & quite eloquently too, thankseverso. My siblings say the same kind of things about the great adventure of parenthood. I must confess that I was just too much of a chickenshit to take the plunge.