
Well, no parent I know with a child younger than 9 sleeps later than 6:30-ish. They get to that 6am-feeding stage with their first baby, then just continue waking up in the crack of dawn’s butt after that. At least until their youngest is in middle school.

Thanks! It’s only half true, but I ain’t fessing up to which half!

Ok, THIS ^^^^^ is definitely the Post Of The Day! Give Hester a drink on me. I love the fact that you were laughing the whole time you were changing the sheets. But fess up -- did you 86 the cat after that or do you still have him?

And how old were they when decided it as o.k. to tell them you wre having sex so buzz off?

Cat are serious voyeurs, you should definitely lock them out of the room. And if you have a Maine Coon, they always want to “help”, so lock that door!

Wait, isn’t swim team an after-school activity for which buses are provided, the same buses that ferry your offspring to & from school during the week?

No, becasue see Brainzilla’s comment.

Umm, I’m pretty sure it’s the coitus, not the nudity, that you’re supposed to avoid letting your kids see.

ROFL! I’m with you, that’s why I only have cats. I also have several nieces & nephews who have reinforced my no-child edict over the years. I’ve changed my share of diapers & done my share of “can-you-PLEASE-come-over-&-babysit-for-the-weekend!” stints. I am the aunt who lets them have cake for breakfast (life is

There’s always vacation sex. Drop the kids off at your parents house, tell them you’re getting on a plane to someplace tropical so you 2 can fuck like college kids for a week. And when the grandkids are driving them nuts, they can remind themselves that you’re that one who’ll be paying their exorbitant nursing home

LOL! But wait, isn’t that precisely why parents give their kids iPhones when they’re only 3 & 4 yrs. old? So they’ll have something to amuse themselves with when they wake up on Sat. mornings while mommy & daddy are trying to amuse themsleves? I mean, my cat even as a damn app -- it’s just video of a goldfish swimming

That’s why your bedroom door should have a lock. Your little cherubs will be surprised the first time they can’t barge into your room at will, but they’ll get over it. And you’ll get to actually finish a round of weekend morning sex for a change.

Yes but Rih-Rih loved the fact that her boo said it all out loud, on stage, infrontaGod&errybody & didn’t care how stannish he looked. Neither one of them is 30 yet & Drake’s still a playa, but he’s definitely about that long game with Rihanna. And he will take the prize in the end.

I second that, but they need to wait until they’re 32, not 50 & make a few gorgeous real babies once they get hitched. AubRih’s (yes No-Mi, I’m stealing that!) kids would be stunning. That speech & the way Drake looked at her while giving it was everything . They looked so perfect together backstage, even when Drake

But Hachi, Ebony was interviewing him about the rape he committed, so how could the conversation not be all about him? Parker can’t talk about how his victim felt — A) she’s dead & B) he admits that he never gave a shit about her feelings. He’s not being narcissistic at this point — all he can talk about is his own

There’s no rule in the NFL requiring that players stand for the national anthem, so they can’t retailate against him. First Amendment rights apply to ballers too & he was exercising his. I was shocked when I heard about it but thrilled to bits. I knew Kaepernick was a QB but that was all. Now the whole world will know

You must certainly are not. I love Melissa MCCarthy, but I will never understand why that hot mess of a movie was such a hit.

Jeez, has everyone been ungrayed but me? What gives?

Have you been asleep for the last 5 mos. or are you just being obtuse for the fun of it?

No, even her own mother has told her she’ll never find a husband with a mouth like that.