
Don’t feel bad in the least. Coulter is the vilest, most rancid cunt walking the earth. And now that Cheeto has flipped-flopped on immigration in the same week that her kiss-ass Trump tribute book comes out, watching her crash & burn will be like a lovely Endless Margaritas Happy Hour. With really good homemade guac &

Her phone was hacked, then they hacked her website & posted the nude pix, passport, etc. from her phone on her personal website. Which she didn’t deserve. But to me, it’s no different than leaving your car unlocked with a diamond necklace on the passenger seat. Sure, it’s illegal to steal, but you are definitely gonna

Really? If the fact that some word is a potential “trigger” for certain individuals means it can’t be discussed, then how is anyone going to provide education about that issue when they can’t mention the keyword relating to the issue? This is from a Harvard Law school professor:

That lying bitch was well-coached & knew exactly what she was saying. The term “safe” has a legal definition, i.e. that use or exposure that will cause no harm or damage. So she didn’t say that her products are “safe”. She said they’re “amazing”, which doesn’t mean shit in court.

True, but how many people here still shop at Walmart?

But everyone who works for Dump is supporting a bigot & misogynist who wants to eat the hearts of Mexican babies. So yeah, they’re just as fucked up as Cheeto is because they are choosing to perpetuate his bullshit.

No word on the ticket price?

She’s not gonna sue — more notoriety is the last thing Purvi needs. She’s going to keep her head down, get on with her life & be extremely careful about using effective b.c. from now on. As for Zimmerfuck, I still dream that a lovely o.g. gangbanger will walk up to him one night when he least expects, put a bullet in

This isn’t a .pdf but I think it has the info you want. It’s a link to the Dr. Rebecca Gomperts organization WomenOnWeb. She’s the Dutch physician who started the floating clinic so women in countries where abortion is illegal can have the procedure done off-shore on her boat. This page explains how to take the meds: h

I’ll be right there with you, handing out water pistols in the parking lot. Those loud yellow & orange ones that can’t be mistaken for a gun. If someone comes within 5 ft. of you on your way into the clinic, spray them right in the face. They immediately drop their pamphlets & back the fuck up.

People with any modicum of intelligence know good & well that Dump has been saying outrageous shit for months. The problem is, he’s been telling those lies for so long that the idiot class has started to believe him.

Zika causes mild, flu-like symptoms but is often asymptomatic. There is a blood or urine screening test for it, but who’s going to get tested for a virus they have no symptoms of having? Men can get infected, feel fine but be carriers of the virus. It’s not only transmitted by mosquitoes, it’s also an STD. So a man

But if your clients were a lot of ballers, I guarantee you they’d be asking for happy endings & trying to fuck you too. Race & age aren’t the issue — it’s the rich pricks’ sense of entitlement that’s the problem. And it extends beyond the personal services they pay for.

That’s very true & nobody will beat you up for saying so. I actually laughed out loud at Marla’s claim that no one would take her seriously if she posed for Playboy. As if people were taking her seriously before she became Dump’s sidepiece.

And were most of their wives goldigging bimbos? Did any of these rich old pricks choose a 2nd or 3rd wife who was beautiful & also accomplished in her own right?

And the blame for that lies squarely with the RNC. They’re supposed to be the party of family values — they never should have let Dump run as a Repub in the first place.

Yes, I do. It aired during or just after their divorce was finalized. I recently read that Cheeto pressured Ivana into doing that Pizza Hut spot with him because his public image had tanked during the divorce.

You really think it will be that close? I think once she trounces him in the debates, Hillary will win by 7-10 points. Remember that the vast majority of women despise Dump & will NOT vote for him. There are more female voters than males & a higher percentage of women turn out to vote than men, in every election.

But why would college-educated Whites fall for that crap? How does anything Dump said in Michigan make educated Whites feel he deserves their vote because he’s not a bigot?

Here’s a link to his entire speech in Michigan. From the look of things, it was a rally to court Black voters that no actual Black people attended. The sound bite you’re looking for starts @ 10:43. I stopped watching after 11:15