
Yeah, Cheeto’s new campaign slogan for courting minorities is “What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?” The same asshole who trashes BLM every chance he gets thinks we don’t care about losing our voting rights, abortion rights, civil rights, consumer protection regulations & basic self-respect, so we should vote for him.

Oh, but you should.

And now Parker’s gonna pay for his crime when his movie tanks. But that will be of no comfort to the family of his deceased victim.

What crime was Spike accused of before DTRT opened?

But whatever happened to having fathers or brothers who would render that old-school justice, who would blow that bastard’s head off after the system let him get away with raping their daugther/sister? And when the dust settled, no jury would convict them under those circumstances.

Thanks for that, Betty.

What about the dangers of the 1 + 1 = 3 effect. Phentermine (for his weight — & once you get on that shit, you have to stay on it for life) + Xanax (for his pugnacity) could = Exponentially More Crazy.

After Josh Duggar got outed for his porn star trysts, every Christian group took a major hit in the public eye, so I get where you’re coming from, Bright. But please don’t pretend that all Christians who claim to uphold moral values are fraudulent. Churches that are lead by a pastor who deeply loves his wife &

WTF? After his statement about “no photo-ops”, the govenor of LA has now drunk the orange Kool-aid? Oh, Fuuuck Me like I’m Gwyneth Paltrow!!

Amber Rose may rule you hoes whose life plan is to give birth to a meal ticket by some rich rapper or baller. But real Sisters are living better lives than that — ESP. if we’re raising kids.

Sorry! I mistytped plagiarist-Barbie wife because someone made me spill coconut water all over my laptop earlier & now my u-i-o- keys are sticking. Will have to visit the computer wizard tomorrow.

But Iris, luv — Dump getting there first is like an overly-spray-tanned cheerleader arriving at an Ebola quarantine zone first. That shit makes no sense.

I think the expectations from the Dumpsters about the 1st debate are YUUGE! Think about it — those yahoos have been waiting with baited breath for their golden boy to finally have is cage match with Hillary. They all think he’s smarter than her because he’s richer than she is. And plenty of them also think a woman has

Except you know Dump would lose his weave jumping up & down to object to having flaming Liberal comedian host a debate he had to participate in. He’s still butthurt over getting burnt by Seth Myers at the WH Correspondents Dinner back in 2011.

Shit, Regal! You made my knock my coconut water all over my desk otu of shock! You really think Dump he will behave like a civilized human being during the debates? When he never has before? Boorish baby mode is his default setting, If Ivanka had any real influence over him, Cheeto would have been copping a feel on

But don’t you think someone needs to be prepping Hillary to ignore all her political training & go ham on Dump in the debates?

If by “not making mistakes” you mean

If Biles had been tested & discovered to have an XY chromosome, I guarantee you she wouldn’t be allowed to compete as a female gymnast. Nor would Phelps be alowed to swim with the men if he had an XX chromosome. There are real, biological differences between men & women & those differences matter. At some point, you

Why can’t the let Caster run with the men? In fact, why won’t the IOC dump the sex segregation & let all the runners compete together in their specific races, regardless of gender, since running’s not a contact sport?

No, but it’s something Uber has facilitated. I grew up in NY & took plenty of cabs, as did everyone I knew then. Nobody I knew then or now has ever reported getting raped or even threatened by a legit cab driver. I read stories about Uber drivers physically abusing, raping or harassing women they’ve picked up nearly