
Things get curiouser... I googled it again & now there are reports saying a federal official denies that the Secret Service has formally spoken with Dump about his remarks on Clinton. But it’s only being covered by 2 Israeli news sites I’ve never heard of: . Dump being arrested by his own

You can be a petulant little twerp or you can educate yourself. Your choice. Either way, we’re done here.

Looks like the authorities are taking this seriously:

Read all my posts? Really? Then you need to get laid more than I need a hug. Bassi’s own lawyer said he’s suing for “blatant racial discrimination” — yet you try to claim I’m the one makimg this about race?

But you’re not a cop, are you?

You don’t see any stories being written about some White man strolling in to buy a Benz & being told no because the dealer thinks he might sell it overseas to the Taliban, do you? Because bitches like you & that car dealer automatically assume the Indian guy is going to do something illegal with the car he buys. THAT

Bullshit! The dealer didn’t give a shit about protecting Mercedes Benz & neither do you. That SoB just wanted to excercise his rights as a racist to prevent an Indian buyder from getting the car he wanted beause he decided the buyer was down with the Taliban.

Have you ever heard of a woman murdering her entire family with a gun? Women generally opt for gassing or drowning their kids (because it’s not bloody) &/or shooting the husband, then shooting herself. But I’ve never read or heard of a woman who shot her entire family. So I’m thinking Mark was the culprit.

He can borrow a pair from his newest grandkid.

Yet here you are, Sugar, at the very same “terminal gossip site” you seem to imply is beneath you or DUmp. So what does that tell us about you, hmm? Now run back under your ridge & go cash that $12.00 check you got from the Dump campaign for sending this Gawker link to his people. You know Cheeto is notorious for not

But Clint’s crusty cracka ass liked Latina pussy enough to marry Dina Ruiz, a local tv news anchor, & have a daughter with her. That move didn’t fool anybody who knew what he was about. And I’m sure his son Scott is just as big a bigot as he is.

Her constitutionally protected rights ended when she started shooting at the cops. This bitch had a baby in the room with her & started shooting at the police? She got exactly what she deserved. She was Black but she was NOT murdered by the police.

Maybe they won’t be the “extreme minority” by Nov.

That made my morning!^^^^ It would have perfect if it was cheeto orange

Vs. Curling, where the stone does all the work & the activity required by humans amounts to sweeping a broom across the ice really fast? But that’s an Olympic sport.

It shouldn’t be infuriating to any thinking individual. If Floridians are dumb enough not to see through this self-serving prick’s opportunism, if they’re so hateful towards gays that they’d vote for a pol who is blatantly exploiting a mass murder rather than cross party lines to support his opponent, then they

Seriousloy 1800? You were privileged enough to work with horses on the regular & you think dressage shouldn’t be an Olympic sport?

But that was a debate scheduled with Bernie. Dump knew Sanders would never be the final Dem candidate. He also knew that as someone who’s been both a Congressman & a Senator & currently serves on 5 or 6 committees, Bernie would have embarrassed him royally in a debate. It was a lose-lose deal for Dump, of course he

And aren’t the Clinton ads getting on your last nerve? It’s barely August, so the onslaught will only get worse. I hate it when candidates carpet bomb the local tv stations with ads — it makes me want to stay home on election day.