
Wait, what? You’re saying that it’s more innate for N. Europeans to be racist towards black & brown folks?! But saying that makes you as racist towards the Trumpsters as they are towards us! Look, EVERYBODY is tribal, everyone identifies with & clings to their own group — that’s an anthropological fact. But the

I keep thinking that, Meri, but then I end up asking myself “So he’s a bigot like his followers, birds of a feather. But WHY do they think Dump’s racism & misogyny are gonna make their lives better if he wins?”

I still don’t get how that worked. Media buys are booked months in advance, yes? I don’t know when their fiscal year starts, but if the rate for a 30 or 60-sec. spot on each Fox program was set in Aug. of last year, all the buyers already know what a commerical on any given Fux show costs. Then Dump starts coming on &

A “reasonable win” will be just fine. Personally, I think she’ll win by a good margin (10-12 points). Dump will wreck his chances totally with the debates.

Polls 4 mos. before the election are meaningless. When you get to 30-days out, that’s when the polls become indicative of how people will actually vote.

Because Dump knows Trumpsters don’t fact check his b! Half those cretins can barely read. The other half would believe him even if he said he invented the internet.

It’s my fave too now! Thankseverso!

Naw, the debates are gonna be a glorious shitstorm. Dump CANNOT handle a woman who doesn’t defer to him & Hillary knows it. He’s too lazy & full of himself to prepare & rehearse for debates — he’ll think he can wing it like he does at his bs rallies.

Look, she’s not an alien hybrid, but those oddities combined could be indicative of neurological deficits. Didn’t she has a TIA a few years back? IJS...

Well said! When I try to tell people that about Hillary, they accuse me of being anti-feminist for not supporting a wife’s right to be even more ambitious than her husband.

Yes & there IS something off-putting about the way Hillary speaks from the podium. In interviews, she’s fine. On a stage, she does something weird, not with the tone of her voice, but with her cadence. . She pauses in weird places, not the places where a comma would fall in a sentence. I’m not sure how to explain

Beg to differ. Look at Christine Lagarde, CEO of the IMF. She rocks proper business suits (not those matronly get-ups Hillary wears ) just as often as she wears skirts & Lagarde always looks sharp & professional. Granted, she’s taller & thinner than Hills, but whoever styles Lagarde could certainly recommend a couple

No, SHE is a badass Sister. If I’d been married for 20 yrs. & my husband walked out on me (right after they returned from dropping their oldest kid off for his freshman year of college, BTW) & that mofo handed me divorce papers, got out of the car & left, I’d have thrown that shit in reverse & run his ass over,

Acutally, he’s a male model from Australia named Casey Conway & my fave fantasy guy. But I did use an online rent-a-guy service to send my girl a weekend pickmeup when she got dumped 2 years ago. Best $6k I’ve ever spent. She liked it so much, she wrote me into her will after the divorce. :)

Okay, you White chicks are shitting me, right?

Don’t insult bacon that way! It’s my favorite food group.