The Lascivious Snape

This is one of my favorite gag lines ever. I hold this movie in high esteem in general, and I think this one line is a big part of that.

I can't disagree that it's strange, and from the first time I played the game felt that this made for a sour introduction to someone you want to be a cool character. I chalk it up to bad writing and/or translation.

I know that Nintendo would be criticized for returning to the well, but I would kill for a Mario Galaxy 3. The first two are both perfect games for me. And the other "core" games they've released since are good, but they don't scratch it like those two.

Cid blames Shera for ruining his first and, at the point of the story you meet him, only opportunity to man a space launch. During the first attempted launch, just moments from take off, Cid discovers that Shera is still in the engine bay checking on what she says is a faulty piece of equipment. Although she tells him

I think patience can actually be a downfall in the Aldrich fight. You do need to be conservative with your attacks when the opening presents, maybe taking once less strike than you think you could, and have enough stamina to dodge out of there before the AOE that precedes his teleport, but other than that I really

Oh yeah, it's a great fight. I still haven't finished the game yet, so I haven't been reading strategies or watching videos about it, but maybe the Dancer is cheese-able or trickable some how, depending on build. As I fought her, though, I respected that she felt like the quintessential "git gud" boss. No tricks, no

*Obligatory post about how players having such wildly different experiences in each game makes the series special*

Same build as I'm using in DS3, actually, or as close as can be done. DEX-based, shielded halberd warrior with no magic whatsoever. The early areas of the game were pretty tough for me as I acclimated to the controls and pace, but I'd say by the midway point of DS1, say by the time I got to Anor Londo, I was more or

I've put over 100 hours into BoI:R, not because I think it's the best thing ever, though I do like it a lot, but because like you say, it's such a good game to casually play while doing something else. I like to play it late night while listening to podcasts. See also: Diablo, Borderlands.

The quality of the "Future" series tapers, though even at its worst it's still pretty high. And the first game, Tools of Destruction, is peak Ratchet. Easily up there with 2 and 3.

Oh the trouble I got into the one time I offered "you want me to just do this part" during a platform-y bit of LEGO Star Wars.

Having finally beaten DS1 and most of DS3, I still maintain Bloodborne as my favorite precisely because of its Lovecraftian setting and themes. That's just such a cool world to explore. Though the other commenters are right that there's plenty of that stuff in DS3.

Whoa, whoa, whoa … the Dancer is alleged to be an easy fight? That's nuts. The Dancer is so hard!

I completed Dark Souls 1 for the first time. I'll spare the long speech, because you already know: it's fantastic. And, in my opinion, laughably easy compared to either DS3 or Bloodborne. Haven't played 2 (yet).

A big hat tip to you for taking out the Champion on your first attempt. He's been the hardest boss I've faced so far. Maybe fifteen attempts solo, and then after finally giving in, I beat him on the 2nd try with the Sword Master summon. He was crazy hard for me.

Agreed. I like choice-based gameplay more often than not, but Joel's decision in that moment, and the scenes that follow, are absolutely essential to the game's success. If not for that conclusion, I think the game would be well-liked today, but it would not have nearly the reputation it does.

I prefer Elena, but I admit that part of my soft spot for her is due to the fact that Emily Rose, who both voices and "plays" Elena in mo-cap, also starred in Haven, which I kinda liked around the same time.

While UC2 is undoubtedly the series' peak (well, I haven't played 4), I tend to hold the first game in higher regard than most. I like that it lacks the spectacle that took over the series in UC2, when most chapters eventually became over-the-top, high-action set pieces. Those are great, but the bread and butter of

Little worried about the "long lost brother" plot. Those always make for poor episodes in episodic shows. "Oh yay, it's long lost person. Isn't he great? Oh, wait, turns out he's a shit. Oh, but now he's redeemed. Oh, no, he really is bad."

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