The Lascivious Snape

I’m a 33 year old man and I call my dad “daddy.” My 36 year old sister also calls him “daddy.” He called his father “daddy” up until the day he, my grandfather, died (whenever it wasn’t more appropriate to say “grandpa” that is).

You’re instincts are right, and no Brand New record is better suited to the darkness than Science Fiction.

I actually felt exactly like this after the first listen, and maybe a little after the 2nd. But then it got to me. Six or seven listens in and I’m in love. I think especially with my first listen I was trying too hard. Found out it was out there, picked it up as soon as I could, and put it on at a place and time of

“Can’t Get it Out” and “Desert” are the present standouts, though really I like them all.

Yeah! One of the most disheartening things about this review cycle has been all the reminders that there are somehow, bafflingly, a lot of Brand New fans who don’t like Daisy, which is nuts. D&G is better, but it’s not a big gap.

The Kinja-pocalypse got me to post at the A.V. Club for the first time in years, and probably the last for several years, too. Name claimed. Mischief managed.

We watched this movie in theater class back in middle school. Pure end-of-year time waster, not as a lesson or anything. So happens that day the Vice Principal sat in our class for some unknown reason. I remember thinking as it approached the scene with the f-word that our teacher was going to get in so much trouble.

I have. My order through the series has been: Bloodborne -> Dark Souls 1 -> Dark Souls 3 -> Dark Souls 2 -> Demon's Souls. Because why not!

I know I'm not unique in this opinion, but I love the large interconnected world design of Dark Souls 1, and for that element alone I like the game better than DS2. But, on the other hand, I can't help but love DS2's weirdness. There's something so fascinating about its world and scope. You definitely don't get the

I've never used magic on a first run of any Souls game, including Bloodborne's arcane items. I'll check it out with another character, but I feel like adding magic at this point would be wrong.

Stag week has been fruitful, if singly focused. Been playing Demon's Souls all week. Y'all are right. It holds up really well. In fact, I'm surprised how fresh it feels. Despite its reputation, I couldn't help but fear it would feel archaic compared to newer games in the series. But despite a couple lame mechanics

Just got the email from GameFly since my OP. Demon's Souls is on its way and this thing is happening!

Ha, yeah. I'll still be going to work every day, so I'll have at least some human contact. I'm good about the food, though. I'm the cook in my family, and I'm actually looking forward to an opportunity to cook stuff my family doesn't like, such as any kind of seafood. I've got like 4 meals planned already. But don't

There are a lot of games like Binding of Isaac, but that's the one that stuck for me. Bit by bit, run by run, I've put over 120 hours into that game, and I'm still nowhere near unlocking all of the items or completing all of the challenges.

This upcoming week is the rarest of rare events: STAG WEEK. Mrs. Snape and Baby Snape will be out for the whole week, Sunday to Sunday, so I will have my pick of gaming activities every night.

How do you feel about Obduction's load times? I plan to play it regardless, but reading this week's review I was pretty disappointed to read about that. He made that part of it sound pretty awful.

You could make a lot of progress without one, but then the marble puzzle was fucked as all get out. Still a beautiful game and I love it, though.

Agreed. At the time I was (mildly) bummed that each star was its own course, with unique little planetoids and paths, even if part of the same large world.

This is one of the reasons why Banjo-Kazooie immediately took the mantle as "best of the bunch" for me. In many of the levels, you could complete all or nearly all of the objectives a level had in a single run. There was something so satisfying about one hundred-percenting that first level in BK with your very first

I like Russian Circles well enough, but despite never attending a show specifically for them, I've seen them live six times. They're one of those acts that always seem to be opening for bands I really do love.