The Lascivious Snape

I want to agree, but the first one I played is Final Fantasy I (speaking of cool), and I just can't say it's the best. I still like it, but the best?

That would get me almost every time until I realized the real way to avoid it is to not let it happen in the first place. He (she?) almost never does that attack when you're up on him (her?), so once you get good at predicting where he'll (she'll?) pop up, just close the gap as fast as possible, ideally before he

I'm playing through DS1 right now and did manage to find the return trip to the Asylum and the Rusted Iron Ring … after completing Blighttown.

I haven't started playing yet, but I didn't even consider what the fast movement option would do with Chocobo Hot and Cold. That's so convenient! I'll look for that mod, too.

I'm a halberd swinging knight with a DEX-y build. Even sharpened my Halberd to get more out of my DEX attribute. STR is around a 16, but DEX is up to 35. Points mostly in DEX, Vigor and Endurance. I'm still at the point that I don't feel like I have enough of anything, but you know, it's humming along. The Pontiff was

The slower pace is definitely the biggest factor in why I find DS1 to be the easiest of the ones I've played (I have played Bloodborne also). The wind up on enemy attacks is so much longer, you have so much more time to react, and the safe dodge windows are longer.

Unfortunately there's no right answer to your dilemma, because these are both games that you need to play.

And a quick DS3 story which will dovetail into a WAYPTW: I was playing last night, trying to take on those crocodile-dog bastards in Irithyll. The hidden room with the two of them. (Which I aggro'd and fought separately of course, this story isn't about gameplay).


I am concurrently playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time and Dark Souls 3 (for the first time but that should be obvious). I'm uniquely qualified to say that I'm bringing the same skill and experience level to both games. From this perspective, I feel that Dark Souls 3 is way harder! Dark Souls 1 is the game I play

I've pretty much been trucking forward my whole run, but I do think I'm finally due for a revisit. Of course I feel like I explored areas like the Undead Settlement and all of the Road of Sacrifices area thoroughly, but there might be new NPCs there now, and stuff I just didn't think to do at the time.

Presently loving the hell out of Dark Souls 3, though I find it very, very hard.

It's that rare long-running series where even the "bad" games are pretty good, and of course the good games are great!

In terms of structure, it is almost exactly the same as Bloodborne, which I love, so really it shouldn't bother me, but I think there's something about how forward-moving it feels that makes it different. In Bloodborne, few areas directly interconnected to the same degree as in DS1, but they had a shared purpose in

Argh, now I want to go back and look some more - like playing more of this super fun game is such a burden ;)

Is this a different bonfire than the one in the chapel with the two rows of pews and the locked doors on either side? Because the boss run from there is pretty short and effortless, you don't even have to fight anything, so I'm surprised there's an even shorter one.

If there's one disappointment in both yours and CrabNaga's responses, it's the revelation of the alligator things. As in plural. As in, the one on the bridge is not the only one. :(

Super Metroid is a god-tier game that I played several times as a youth and have continued to do so as an adult. It may be in my top 5 of all time.

As frustrating as it is, Orphan of Kos is a terrific fight. When you finally beat him, you really feel like you've become one with the game. You finally, after all this time, "got gud."

Oh, that's what Lady Rosaria does. Shit, now I really need to go back and find her. The Lionheart guy told me to seek her in the Cathedral of the Deep, which I didn't, but I went over that place with a fine tooth fucking comb, so now I guess I'll have to be even more thorough. (Those bleed guys, though).