The Lascivious Snape

Many of you have a Dark Souls 3 post. This one is mine. Actually, it's more questions for players who are further along than me. For reference, I have just passed the Catacombs and made it to the 2nd bonfire in Irithyll, but no bosses there so far. (Did anyone else find Irithyll to be a difficulty spike?)

It is nice not to feel trapped using the only four pieces of armor you've invested materials and souls into. It's also generally more important than it was in Bloodborne, so I think they've found a good balance there.

The Abyss Watchers felt a bit tired to me after the Maria of the Clocktower fight from the Bloodborne DLC. Like, save for the weird bit about the knights popping up and fighting themselves, it's the exact same fight. First baddie shows off the move set, then baddie augments blade with fire, speeds up, and uses the

I really loved the Deacons of the Deep. Definitely my favorite boss fight so far. For reference, I've just passed Wolnir and started Irithyll. It's unlike any other boss fight I've encountered in the series. I love the quiet, slow way they move - not aggressive, just resolute - and I think the actual mechanic of the

I change my outfit pretty regularly to fit the situation, though now that I've got Havel's Ring and can actually afford the weight, I do wear some combination of Knight's and Herald's equipment most of the time. Mostly I switch it up for the sake of elemental/status protection for bosses or particularly difficult mobs.

Playing through MGS for the first time was definitely one of those "whoa" moments from my gaming career. I didn't know that what at first seemed a simple stealth game could be so much more than that.

Extrapolating from the famous save exploit you can use to beat The End in MGS3, now part of me really wants to believe that Snake will get cancer if you pause and set the game clock forward 40 years.

Oh yes! And I look forward to this in the realm of music even more so than games.

Good review, again, and welcome.

If you can hold out long enough HLD will be the shiny new game you got basically for free in a Humble Bundle.

Yep, in Metal Gear Solid 1 there are a couple places where you can stay in a cold area for too long and then get a cold. For the next little bit of gameplay you randomly sneeze, which can alert guards. Or you can take medicine.

The more shocking to me is when it's, "Who has time to play those 60-hour AAA games?" and then I realize I've put over one hundred hours into Binding of Isaac. As much as I complain about not having enough time to play the games I want to play, obviously I'm still doing some gaming and lots of it.

Can't speak for Origins but absolutely on Asylum. Some of it will feel outdated, and the combat is not as tight as in later games, but the cohesive, Metroidvania style world design is fantastic.

The thrust is relatively quick for its damage, too. A great early weapon.

I managed to beat both the Judex and the crystal lizard on my first attempts, but that lady … I just couldn't even get a swing in. I need to change up my play style with her, I think, because she attacks too many times for turtling at this level. Eats right through the shield and keeps on coming.

Borderlands: TPS was super fun, and I put 70-80 hours into it, but that's still more than 100 less than I put into either the first or second game. I also don't really go in for competitive multiplayer shooters, so I'm ready for Battleborn to come and go so Gearbox can, hopefully, get to making Borderlands 3.

Does that ring work like the rally from Bloodborne, or is it simple health absorption upon doing damage or killing?

I've been playing Dark Souls 1 heavily the last week, so the difference in feel has been all the more shocking, I think. In that game I've been having success with the Halberd, so I picked up the Halberd in Firelink as soon as I could afford it and had the STR to wield it. It's not as damaging vs. the long sword as it

That uchigtana lady at Firelink is no joke. She wasted me before I could hardly get a hit in five times straight, so I finally decided I should come back later.

Although I don't think I'll have a lot of time, Dark Souls 3 is what will take up any gaming time I can squeeze out of this weekend. Started last night and got through the first area and Firelink Shrine, and then just kind of got my bearings on the High Walls but didn't find any shortcuts or a second bonfire. I have