The Lascivious Snape

I haven't played near enough to make a declaration on difficulty. I was proud to beat the first boss in my first go. Admittedly a tutorial boss, but still. I'm not having any trouble with the basic mobs of the High Wall of Lothtric, but that cursed, giant snake dude was trouble. Couldn't beat him in that form even

I've heard a lot of good things about the game, so I'm getting pretty excited there, even if it is technically a movie tie-in game. (It's based on the movie, which is based on the first game. Not a true remake.)

Good or not, I defy anyone who claims that the first Mortal Kombat movie is not a fun time.

It really comes down to your group. My group is composed of a lot of video gamers who got into tabletop later, so we tend to be oriented around very action-y, gamey sorts of experiences. This is something that I thought 4th Ed. was brilliant at. It was actually very close to a video game in tabletop form.

I respect that they committed to the characters, and while there was an action set piece at the end, the narrative goes small and personal rather than going big. Ballsy for a development studio to do that, and just a stunning bit of storytelling.

Those look great but epitomize "steam sale" pickups for me. Which I guess is a shitty attitude re: the developer's sake, but that is the culture that has been created.

PS3 also-ran action title Heavenly Sword had a scene where the big bad berates his mentally-challenged son, and I felt so bad for him that I teared up.

Leftover homemade sausage and eggplant lasagna. I started eating it at 10:45am. It was good.

Mrs. Snape is so happy that Baby Snape took a liking to Friendship is Magic, because now she has someone to watch it with.

I guess I liked Looney Tunes. And sometimes the Nick Toons stuf, particularly Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy and Doug. Honestly Saturday morning cartoons were never my jam, because I always would rather be playing video games.

Now that I've got the new PC I'm eager to pick this one up and see it in its highest graphical glory. Fortunately it hits bargain prices fairly often.

I'm playing Dark Souls 1 (first time through), but really only in anticipation of Dark Souls 3. Actually, because I'm playing DS1 on PC and will be playing DS3 on PS4, and I have access to those two machines at different times, it's entirely possibly I'll have concurrent runs going.

His final line absolutely crushes me. I played that game as a new father. My baby girl was just weeks old. It's such a "dad" moment that I could hardly stand it.

How has your performance been on PC? I understand a lot of people are having problems. I'm sure I'll have the game on PC after a price drop or two, but for now I'm renting it from GameFly. I'm hoping it'll arrive today.

We've been watching "No Game, No Life" with anime buddy, and have maybe 3 episodes left to go, but then he got sick, and then he got real sick, and then he got better, but then he got busy. So we're still waiting and eager to finish it up.

I have no less than three vaguely started novels based on tabletop RPG campaigns I ran years ago.

Time flies. It was out longer than you might think:

Bravely Triad: every combat begins with a round of FF8's Triple Triad, and the winning side can execute a special attack based on one of the opponent's cards which they flipped.

I rent most everything I play on console, but I did get into the first wave of GameFly's shipment, so I should have a copy by Thursday. Can't friggin' wait.

I would say they are the definition of "tough but fair."