You can lament the state of your life without it being disrespectful to people who have it worse. The fact that you are even aware says a lot of good things about your character.
You can lament the state of your life without it being disrespectful to people who have it worse. The fact that you are even aware says a lot of good things about your character.
I don’t disagree. But the solution is to reform our ideals to reflect reality. Treat juvenile crime like juvenile crime but recognize that people don’t magically become better at 18. Maybe reform takes longer. Maybe we need to figure out a way for some kind of in-patient treatment that respects the rights of children…
I’m not sure what on earth you mean by parroting my words back at me.
“And it really wasn’t in my case, I would say, ‘til well into my 30s, that I was really able to do heavy lifting on this stuff.”
There’s a really, really sad article about Morgan on Hazlitt.
It always bothered me that they tried these two girls as adults.
As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline:
I feel like SJP is the woman who just always has to be friends with everyone and needs to be liked...she wants to talk to you about her personal life and personal problems after knowing you for two weeks and she doesn’t understand when others don’t have that same enthusiasm for sharing their lives.
I am/was a rabid fan of the show, and I do not want a SATC 3, because SATC 1 and 2 were absolutely ridiculous garbage movies.
You’re talking to someone who expects a 6 year old phone battery to operate like new and expects their friends to just buy them a phone.
Wow. Really? You thought your friends would buy you a phone?
The Latin portion of law jargon is tiny. Most law jargon is the result of nothing ever being written from scratch. Imagine if you only had one base email and you copy-pasted it for decades and just added in new sentences as they were needed. Congratulations, you just drafted a contract.
Let me get that deck by end of business, I’d like to see a 50,000 foot view to outline the strategic priorities. Don’t try to boil the ocean here, some back of the envelope math should work just fine but we will need to do a deep dive later. I have a hard stop at 6 so I would like to review it by then, in fact, maybe…
I am wondering what else the doctor tried before he settled on “Jenny McCarthy’s half-brother with bad shirts.” But I have to figure he knew he hit it out of the ballpark the second he landed on this one.
What a bold, progressive stance for the team to be taking in 1975.
It may turn out that the tangible results (economic, human life) of Trump’s leadership, from a future perspective, won’t be as bad as what we saw under Bush.
I don’t let anybody freeload on my dime. If you’re going to live at my place then you are going to keep my place spotless and cook me dinner every night. Relationships are about give and take. If I’m giving them a free place to stay then I expect to take something. I would never ask someone to do something that I…
What the fuck are you talking about? No, it’s not.