The Kinja Caffeine Spider

Happy Mother’s Day! I’m taking you to Sizzler!

I guess “functional relationship” is relative.

Just what America and the World needed right now!

Hey! I was pinching the bag!

When are they gonna sing “Dominique-nique-nique”?

because she’s busy on Jeopardy?

That was you pushing the cage!

Tigger rippin’ lines of coke. BOUNCY!


as it must.

Fod hates Gags!

Oh well. I’m gonna try to not let it ruin the weekend.


I was with you through every word until “showers”.

Remember that one where he was banging Anne Heche, and he was banging some other hotter chicks as well, and everyone felt bad about the whole thing?

Does she know about his revolting personal hygiene?

That he’s the homosexual lord of the underworld?

He shouldn’t talk about British cigarettes that way.

What’s her problem with Gwyneth’s kid?