I’m pretty sure that’s the joke I was saying.
I’m pretty sure that’s the joke I was saying.
“We’re not like regular people, we’re morons!”
I’m afraid answering this may result in the following headline:
People keep asking Bret Michaels that.
Annie’s Boobs?
Gary collects vinyl. He has over 4,000 pieces of vinyl. He devoted a chunk of his audio-book, They Call Me Baba-Booey to lists of desert island albums and shit; and his most-often repeated phrase for why he wants this or that album on a desert island is “What can ah say? It holds up!” It’s a dopey non-answer given by…
My chafing dish!
13 reasons to give an interview?
Shoulda been Shota?
you think he’s that well read?
or Gary Busey.
and he was inverted!
“- the love interest that’s somewhat out of the hero’s league”???
They’re both homosexuals, right?
and it was.
what else was there?