The Kinja Caffeine Spider

Jester’s dead! Woo-hoo!

They played volleyball. It was a gay metaphor. It’s been talked about.

“hey, jet engines sound like guitar solos,”
Wow, Lou Reed really was ahead of his time...

That my friend, is a Grumman F-14 Tomcat, the Navy’s best interceptor/fighter of the late 1970's/early 1980's! It did one thing really well, it needed a two-man crew to do it and it cost a hell of a lot more than other more flexible aircraft.
Really, the only thing more 1980's American would be if Ronald Reagan flew

I’ll go with the silly, but I disagree with the warmongering. They never fired unless fired upon, as per the orders of Principal Admiral Strickland.
If I were Cougar, I’d’ve blasted that “MiG-28" (F-5 Tiger) straight to commie hell!

Were they wondering that? Really, I don’t remember, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t so.

I just can’t hear enough about his mighty things.

It’s a tie for me. But I think I’m thinking more fondly than most here.

A Hard Day’s Night

I believe I knew your mother, son...

wow, that sounded heterosexual

you see Helen Hunt about as often as Halley’s Comet these days.

“Never mind that shit; here comes Mongo the Mantis Shrimp!”

“Ritualized fighting”? What do they have an octagon?

Did you call the shit, “poop”?

No! Why?

Wow, he turned into Haile Selassie!

Not in Japan, apparently.

I think K*v!n should FUCK himself and you should leave.