There's always one person who says this asinine shit.
For the last year, cutesy emporium Modcloth has been deliberately ramping up its plus-size offerings. Now they'd…
Really?! You have full unanimity that almost all of Africa. An ENTIRE CONTINENT is awful? You walked the earth like Kwai Chang Cane and have come up with the conclusion that almost all of Africa is terrible?! Stop... just stop talking.
I got my period in the 4th grade (I was only 9 because of birthdays and being super smart). A full YEAR before the lovely sex-ed class to tell us about it.
I was about 12 years old, went to the bathroom, and saw the stain in my panties. I'd read Judy Blume and knew exactly what had happened, but after searching in the bathroom, I could only find tampons. Not wanting to even go NEAR those things at that point in my life, I went out to the living room, where my mom was…
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and…
I absolutely think that there should be some sort of law in place that enables a healthcare professional to speak to a child without a parent present. The discussion of birth control is so utterly beside the point. A child's health and well-being could depend on their ability to honestly answer some questions —…
I can picture my mom doing this when I was that age. Not for crazy religious reasons - she wasn't that type - but just because CONTROL. She couldn't stand the fact that sometimes I'd go to my room and shut the door because what could I be doing in there by myself???? (answer: getting the hell away from her for two…
Or a combo of the two "this and male circumcision are horrible. This is what's wrong with all of those non-Christians. Their beliefs are barbaric."
The subjects aren't the same. Circumcision is a misnomer when applied to FGM because it's not merely the clitoral hood (which would be analogous to the foreskin) being removed, but the entire clitoris and often parts of the inner and even outer labia. On male form genitalia that would be akin to removing the whole…
Except that this discussion is about female genital cutting not male circumcision. If you are really so interested in discussion male circumcision, why not make your own article about it and then post it?
It's so inevitable that talking about male circumcision always floods anything about FGM. It is probably the prime example of derailing that you frequently see.
There is no comparison between female genital cutting and male circumcision. None at all. And anyone who would even try to make that comparison is an idiot who knows nothing about either.
Its a cultural practice that happens in some Muslim countries but not all. FGM is unheard of in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is not a Muslim practice anymore than it is a Christian practice.Just as there are hadith that permit eating horse among horse eating Central Asian Kazakhs, and there…
FGM Type II, the most common kind, is more equivalent to cutting the entire head of the penis off than simply the foreskin. Types III and IV are more invasive than that. So, stop with the false equivalencies.
YES! i knew it would be a matter of seconds before we started talking about how this issue affects MEN.
Uh, you should probably try reading because the outrage is everywhere. Nice try, though.
The word for a GREAT body that falls slightly short of a Victoria Secret runway model is "normal"? Okay then.