I’d look at it from the flip side. How would a dictator like it if a liberal pot toking woodworker got his car?
I’d look at it from the flip side. How would a dictator like it if a liberal pot toking woodworker got his car?
Counterpoint: Snow sucks.
Not to pile on, but I’ve had Voodoo doughnuts and they may literally be why the word overrated was coined.
How can the savings trickle down if he swallows?
Three games in one? The single-player felt half-assed compared to previous games in the series. Nobody’s story really went anywhere, and Franklin may as well have been killed off halfway through for all the character development he had past that point. The ending felt like the devs just threw their arms up and said…
Go away
Fuck the Yankees.
*Swipes brow*
Turns to friend. Man, can you believe how lucky I got there?
- The 23rd worst terrorist, upon seeing the Most Wanted Terrorist Promo.
Troy McClure’s Greatest Hits
The Target in the Atlantic Center mall in downtown Brooklyn, NY is a hellmouth from which there is no escape other than the sweet release of death.
To be honest, pretty much everyone involved looks like a dipshit to me.
“[The Yankees] bullpen can take over a game in a way and for a length that no other roster can match.”
If this is ok now I think the Minneapolis U13 girls’ soccer league owes me an apology.
Loud exhaust is the worst.
The panther cars are overrated. YOU HEARD ME.
Car people suck. Most of them have their craniums so far up their colon for their own particular style, brand, point of origin, etc, that they have to constantly belittle anyone/anything that doesn’t conform to their limited world. The small minority that don’t fall into the larger majority, refuse to talk to anyone…