
“Claire, I must go! My planet needs me!”

I keep seeing people being down on this episode.

Update: He has already thrown an interception in the game, which will be played Sunday at 1:00pm EST.

(Brady is one of the gullible people in question.)

“Except it works”

I will defend Brady everytime against accusations of cheating, which are BS.

This is such bullshit, doesn’t the government have better things for this bitch to do other than ruin my fantasy team?

You know why

This is the most recent episode I’ve seen and the first time this season I’ve thought “shit I forgot how good this show is.”

I completely didn’t buy it that he, with his musical tastes, saw her and his mind went right to the band KISS? C’mon, man.

Ok, but you know what the Party does need, a Rogue. Because any party needs someone to disable traps and open locked doors.

Yeah, I yelled at the screen, “You found the ONE girl dressed as Siouxsie Sioux at this shit show of a party, and you follow the drunk bobblehead?!”

What about Barb?

I found some footage of Girardi leaving the stadium:

Deserted, the CAMERA PROWLS through the Rock ‘n’ Roll ruins.

Australian speaking! Ashamed to admit we are the birthplace of Hillsong. It is widely considered a creepy, cult-like money-machine corporation masquerading as a church here. I can confirm that plenty of Australian celebrities (more local TV stars, thankfully not our big international names... Chris Hemsworth was

I never fail to be amazed by the awful, amateurish tattoos celebrities get. I see Bieber has joined the club of unbearable male singers with lion tattoos on their chests, although his at least looks a little better than Ed Sheeran’s. The way this tattoo was just sort of lazily superimposed on another one you can still


Man, all of the DC promo stuff I’ve seen just looks so... bad.