
“Write or die.”

Evidently it takes much less time to lose the Batman body than it does to get it.

I stopped watching after the first season when I realized this wasn’t going to be an adaptation of one of my favorite book series but rather someone very, very, very loosely adapting some tropes from the series. So, is it worth binging the second season and picking up this one? Just accept that it has nothing to do

What’s amazing to me is how lame Luke is a light sabre fighting after you watch the prequals and the end of Rogue One. Vader would have walked in there and chopped up the whole room before the opening crawl was done. Luke, even after all of his “training” with Yoda, was never really a sabre badass.

Wait...this is two movies? I know that was the original intent, but when Marvel dropped the “Part I” from the title I just assumed this was scaled back to one film with the next Avengers serving as a soft reboot with the rumored departures of RDJ and Chris Evans. So it’s confirmed to be a two-parter?

I stopped watching Fear the Walking Dead in Season 2 (like, early in Season 2). Is it worth binging to catch up or nah?

I’ve got a rear-wheel drive X1 (2014). Are the newer ones that much different?

You speak truth, my friend.

The Magicians are one of my favorite book series. As such, I was deeply disappointed by the television adaptation, which didn’t even try to adhere to the series. Got as far as the premere of Season 2 and stopped watching. For book fans, did the TV series ever get any better?

Who....are all these people?

I’m hoping the new Doctor (and new writers) will be good because (and I understand I’m deeply in the minority here) Capaldi was the worst Doctor since the relaunch.

Literally couldn’t get through the first episode of this series. I don’t understand what everyone loves about Adams.

I’m *really* curious as to what the original JL part I and II were going to be like instead of this Cliff’s Notes version. More origins? More backstory on Apokolypse? (And, let’s be honest, everyone hates Snyder but his Krypton was awesome and his version of Darkseid’s world would have been something to see). It

Clearly new Batman is Jai Courtney.

I appreciate the reviewer’s hatred of this book, but he’s going against starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and Library Journal (the trifecta of book reviews). To be fair, Kirkus was less than thrilled. Just wondering if The AV Club is going against the grain just because...?

This and The Martian are the only books he’s ever written so...

That was Griffith’s course correction after The Dark Knight, Watchmen, etc. This was also the guy that created Ambush Bug so... you guys and BMD just cut/paste each other as “reporting” This is literally the exact same story that Birth Movies Death posted a few hours ago. What?

“Some silly fun”? In the DCEU? WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS?

I’ve been meaning to get around to Mr. CK (I’ve never seen any of his work in any form, ever) but now, not so much.