
Why? Crystal Skull is no worse than Temple of Doom, so why does the latter gets a pass? Temple of Doom also has a cold open that finish with a totally impossible stunt, annoying sidekicks (Mutt is no worse than Short Round, and I’ll take him over Willie any day,) a questionable supernatural element, and a so-so

Never? Can “Never” be the answer?

Franky, I have conflicting views. Why are their portrayals so good, anyway?

No one, and I mean no one, went to see Pacific Rim to see Charlie Human (because that’s how bland he is). They want to see, in order:


An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle with the capacity to flip between semi-auto and full auto, which is why this article is about a category of weapons and accessories which would be legally categorized as “assault weapons” with major restrictions on who is allowed to just carry them around, you pedantic chud.

The comment rang true. The nuances fell into place. CaptainSlower dropped names like Ellroy’s characters dropped benny’s.

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

I can confirm that these accounts are TOTALLY true: I went to see Black Panther on Thursday night and as soon as I entered the theater, someone had the GALL to look me in the FACE and tell me “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.” Then they POINTED to the EXIT and said, “BLACK PANTHER IS ACTUALLY IN THE OTHER THEATER, THIS ONE IS

The Venn diagram between this and Gamergate is a circle.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or

“Says here the original owner was a Brandon E. Snoke. Ever heard of him?”

Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Chip Zdarsky, Mark Waid, Christopher Priest, Grant Morrison, Garth Ennis, Neil Gaiman, Jason Aaron, Gail Simone, Gerard Way, Michael Allred, Brian K Vaughan, Greg Rucka, Dan Abnett, Rick Remender, Joe Kelly, Gerry Duggan, Joe Hill, Warren Ellis, Paul Jenkins, Peter Milligan, Brian

Fuck baby boomers.

CSI: Mos Eisley

Giant Conglomerate Beats Beloved Property Until It Dies

I see your Branagh’s Poirot, and raise you with Russell’s John Ruth. That thing on his face has passed boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. The mustache is wearing Kurt Russell, not the other way around.

The greatest tragedy is that Henry Cavill has the potential to be a really great Superman he’s just never been allowed to due to Zack Synder