
My 6 year old does. But she thinks Josh Gad = Olaf so…

That's…great, actually.

Charlie Hunnam

Well, the Penguin isn't exactly known for "action." He's about the only character who didn't get retconned with muscles and single-digit body fat in the 90s (otherwise known as "the Image problem")

You might not have been the target audience.

Man, John Wick Chapter 3 really went in a different direction.

And Josh Trank was RIGHT THERE for the asking.

You thought Fury was awful?

Does "Rhetta" have a last name, or is she like Prince? Or Cher?

If they don't drop a Beta Ray Bill Easter Egg in Ragnarok I'm going to be upset.

Still don't understand why the DCEU didn't use JL and JLU as templates for their live-action films. It's the best superhero writing there is and it's right there for the taking.

So my hope for a Wes Anderson Batman movie (The Life Nocturnal) is still alive?

"good draftsman / bad cartoonist; tits and pouches" Ha. You just described the first decade of Image comics.

Right? My over/under on picking up a new book is whether or not it is completely separate from whatever Marvel re-boot is happening this year. DC, unfortunately, destroyed their entire line with New 52…

Not knocking it (I dropped the book after Fraction left but will pick these up when they hit TPB), but is the current artist team deliberatly copying Aja/Wu, or is Marvel trying to keep the same look going? It's not bad (quite the opposite) but it's damn close.

A movie shouldn't have to explain itself before you see it. Everything necessary should be IN THE MOVIE.

"Kennedy, who was already displeased with…with star Alden Ehrenreich’s performance—she hired an acting coach for him after seeing initial footage, a rarity so late in a production…" Ruh Roh

/Optimus Prime turns into a manual typewriter

I've only seen the first two, but I've never been able to follow what the hell is happening in these films. The fights are incomprehensible and sound like two hours of rocks in a dryer. Forget plot; I can't follow who's hitting who.