
Much better than Batman Turn Off The Dark

The cop torture scene blew it for me. Violence for the sake of shock - doesn't add anything to the story. Gratuitous and pointless. (And I'm no prude, no problem with violence that serves the story bit QT is a hack and I can't understand the acclaim).

Tony Soprano beating the shit out of Patricia Arquette was gratuitous, bordered on abuse porn. And WTF was Gary Oldman doing at all with his shtick?

I've never liked Tarentino all that much. Saw Reservoir Dogs in the theatre and hated it; saw True Romance in the Theatre and hated it; saw Pulp Fiction in the theatre and thought it was okay, but never understood all the hype about QT. Kill Bill vol 1 is total garbage. I haven't seen another Tarentino film since (and

Wizards of the Coast isn't D&D. It's AD&D or GTFO.


That…and at least two more seasons.

It does if you're talking about launching a franchise. Studios aren't in it for critical acclaim…

Wait, did I read this right: They put a "Dark Universe" logo *in the opening credits?* Even the DCU didn't put "DC Universe" at the beginning of Man of Steel.

Man, all of these reviewers are YOUNG. As a Gen Xer, I'm happy to report I've see a number of these bands (Prince, The Smiths, The Cramps, David Bowie) and many others that were at their peak during the late 80s/early 90s (NIN, Depeche Mode x4, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Morrissey). While I don't hate

Black Phillip made me scared to take my daughter to the petting zoo.

"Alex Kurtzman seems like he really knows his shit" The same Alex Kurtzman who wrote Amazing Spider Man 2 and Star Trek: Into Darkness?

Never saw this one; worth watching in full? Lindelof, for me, has a history of great ideas but never being able to stick the landing (or worse, like Lost, where he just made shit up every week). It looks like here he had help not letting things go off the rails. I like mystery; I don't like "welp, I have no idea what

Plus, one of the stars is Adam Baldwin, and fuck that guy.

They already did that at Epcot.

I wondered about that. Looks like he's about a foot closer to the camera than Russell Crowe (6 feet tall)…and wearing those "special" boots he's always got on.

How bad can a franchise with two Academy Award-winning actors (and two additional Academy Award nominees) be?

Confession: I was a HUGE Twin Peaks fan…during the first season. I joined the military and never saw the second season (and only heard terrible things about it). Saw Fire Walk With Me in the theatre (and was almost beaten physically by the friends I dragged with me for taking them). My question: Will I be totally lost

Let's talk about Stephen King's "Dr. Sleep" book (Spoiler: It's a sequel to The Shining)

Nope. Just getting a job in the Trump Administration.