
It's like all those comic book writers in the 70s were hugh or something…

I have the last 8 episodes of this on my DVR but I just can't bring myself to care enough to watch them. Has anything happened since they were feeding Daryl in a closet?

Right…but it's issue 4 from a company who has started their numbering over about a dozen times since 1999. The constant NOW!ing and NEW 52ing is just ridiculous, and makes it just about impossible for anyone to follow what's going on (or care; I've gone to buy TPBs of a series to catch up only to find out it was

So, if the only thing I've seen with Kate McKinnon in it was Ghostbusters (Answer the Call)…am I allowed to hold that against her forever or should I give her another chance?

Another day…another ISSUE #1 from Marvel. /sigh

Capaldi is angry and insulting to his companions, and the hoodie and sunglasses/guitar were just ridiculous.

Ha. Although I wonder, is it Capaldi or the scripts I'm having trouble with? I really liked Tenant's Doctor (like everyone else, I suppose) and eventually got used to Matt Smith (although I really struggled his first season). My favorite stories are the Tom Baker Victorian and Hammer-style stories (also anything with

I don't hate Moffit but both his latest Who seasons and Season 4 of Sherlock smell like burnout to me. Bad scripts that feel like he's phoning it in. Maybe he'll go to Bermuda for a few months and recharge before coming back with something new and exciting, but it just feels like his heart isn't in his work lately.

You are 200% correct about Simms. Waste of a great actor and huge letdown to a multi-year "Bad Wolf" story arc that just…ended…

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who didn't like Capaldi (ad the Doctor - he's great everywhere else).

Looks like they backed off on the Snyder GrimDark for a few scenes. I don't like that it's in WWI instead of WW2 (even more because this was allegedly done to avoid conflict with Marvel and Captain America's origin) but it does give it a steampunk feel to some of the scenes, which I think works well.

So…they cut the part where predators (minorities) had to wear shock collars to keep their emotions in check, but kept the part where predators (minorities) have an actual biological need to attack the dominant (white) culture. Not sure that edit changed the fundamentally racist nature of this film but..whatevs.

Was I the only person who didn't know that the guy Elizabeth killed was a recurring character? I didn't recognize him (I mean, I hadn't seen the show in a year…) and thought he was some random support staff send from The Centre.

When I found out James was from (freaking) Bakersfield I couldn't believe it. He still sounds like a Brit doing a fake American accent to me when he uses his regular voice.

But a cape, on the other hand…

*Deep* undercut, please.

The fact that Beta Ray Bill is SITTING RIGHT THERE and no one's using him is just criminal.

This is so awful you're probably right.

Maybe they'll just let him do a Marvel movie and we can have "Tim Burton's Marvel's Daimon Hellstrom"