
The network president's comment on people "not being satisfied" with the ending was a great meta-comment on AHS in general. Ryan Murphy is nothing if not self-aware.

From far away Landau Field.

Six episodes? WTF? Is it a mid-season finale ala TWD or is this it? Who the hell does Fox think they are? The BBC?

Who the heck is Lyanna Mormont? (Has only read the books and hasn't seen Season 6 yet….or Season 5).

So, it's official: I'm the only one who liked the Blade tv series. Hmm.

It's not like Cuse can plagiarize himself…

Holy smokes! The Strain is back on the AV Clu-

So, Lady Gaga is a Scottish/Celtic witch with a Transylvanian accent?

Also, Hulk v Wolverine was *1974*? I didn't realize it was that old.

Good point. You could argue he only became "classic" after Clairmont and Byrne's "Days of Future Past" which was a key moment in X-Men history. Took the book to a whole new level.

When a "classic" character first appeared 12 years ago we've reached peak nostalgia acceleration.

There are provisions for all of those in places under Status of Forces Agreements in countries the US has troops in. To be clear: I'm not anti-ICC, but you'd have to get it past Congress, and that isn't going to happen.

Cases like Knox are exactly the reason the US didn't sign up for the international war crimes court. You want some loon from a 3rd world country deciding a case with American troops? No thank you. We prefer our own homegrown loons deciding the fate of our citizens.

The last time someone tried both it…didn't end well

REVERSE FLASH. Man, the CW just can't get enough of that guy(s).

Every time I see Mike Mills' name I think they mean Mike Judge.

Pretty sure "reviews' period were part of the Horrible TV Club Budget Cut.

Wait, the premise is that there's *too much* masculinity? That the bland, neutered, cube farm office job is preferred?

Wait, this show is a comedy?

Also, it's not asking for "I love this show" it's not asking for a biased reviewer to cover the show. I don't care what Newt Gingrich thinks about HRC; I already know. Letting the show have a chance is a good idea.