Meh, I read for the comments. And they've cut about 70% of their reviews so…
Meh, I read for the comments. And they've cut about 70% of their reviews so…
But if each season is, basically, a new show, then they need to be reviewed with fresh eyes. Starting off with "everything AHS has done sucks, but let me give you my hot take on season 6" seems like a strange tactic to take, especially when The AV Club has many writers to choose from. This isn't some guy's blog.
Totally agree, it's a batshit crazy show.
As long as they don't pull the "The narrators/protagonists were DEAD THE WHOLE TIME" I'll be okay.
So, okay, you hate AHS. Like, so much you won't give this new season (which, so far, is working the Ghost Hunters true story meme perfectly) a chance. Maybe find someone else to review it? If I'm an editor and one of my food critics hates French food, I don't send him to cover the new French restaurant, right?
Pop culture; the dominant trends, not niche indie areas, which have always changed and innovated. If you play a song from 2006 and 2016 you won't see a difference. Same with fashion, art, interior design. Now look at what people were wearing/listening to in 1975. Compare that to 1990. That's only 15 years (the same…
I agree, and I wasn't trying to suggest the Gen X way was "better" (I'm Gen X) just different. What I think happens is that, you reach a certain age, and current pop culture becomes invisible. The VMAs offered nothing for me, and that's fine, because it's not meant for me anymore (neither if MTV, so…). The nice…
The author hints at what I see as a main fissure in celebrity culture: The Millenial/Gen X divide. The notion of Everyone as Victim and how, to paraphrase Moby from a recent Bret Easton Ellis podcast (no, really, BEE's podcast is great and very much this kind of discussion), people used to make something (art, film,…
CF was the worst thing about that movie. And I really liked The Lost Boys.
This man is 45 years old.
The only way this show is any good is if, in another 8 - 10 seasons, it follows the real Dr. Phil's career and Bull ends up peddling BS diet plans and giving shit advice to angry couples on daytime TV.
It feels like Schumacher really missed an opportunity by not casting Vanilla Ice as…someone
Right? I mentioned this upthread. They film many shows in Wilmington alone yet couldn't be bothered to get one person from NC to play a part in this season (surely the sheriff would have a regional accent).
Except that the main character opened by saying he was from there; and his sister graduated from UNC, so, if anything, they should be well-versed in how the South works (even if they're from the New South of Charlotte). Also, I know it's Hollywood, but can AHS really find no actors actually from North Carolina? Not a…
Did anyone else notice that Sarah Paulson was clearly imitating Lily Rabe's voice when she spoke in some scenes? An added huskiness, whisper-like timbre?
Also, "They Keep Killing Suzie" is one of the best sci fi episodes anywhere.
That first episode tho…but the end of the first season felt like the writers thought it wouldn't get renewed. Then it did…and the second season was pretty good as well…and Children of Earth had the guts to go very dark (in a great way)…but I still don't know what the hell was going on with Starz.
Wait, there are *7 seasons* of this show? The second one just finished airing on PBS. QUIT HOLDING OUT ON US, BRITISH TELEVISION PEOPLE.
Discovered this during my marathon playing of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (the best AC game…one of the best PS3 games, period). Reading this makes me want to drink rum now.
Jai Courtney kills another franchise. <sigh>