Every few months I am rewarded for having never been an Apple customer, ever.
Every few months I am rewarded for having never been an Apple customer, ever.
I still haven't watched Season 5 yet, let along Season 6 (dropped HBO). What I've heard about Season 6 makes me think I'm not missing anything.
What the hell is "trap music?"
True. If similar half the show's episodes would just be people eating.
I read the first few when they game out. By the time Dance rolled around I'd forgotten most of what had happened. Turns out that 90% of Dance could have been cut, hey, like the TV series did!
Meh. I never finished A Dance With Dragons.
As the only person still watching The Strain, I'll just say that it's crazy that The AV Club has dropped (without notice) much of its weekly coverage of scripted tv shows but still has a team dedicated to WWE: Raw. And people wonder how we got Trump for a nominee.
I love that Canadian Sci Fi is actually a thing (and a huge thing, since everything on Sci Fi is basically Calgary to the Stars). But it is strangely 1990s-esque. Is all of Canada 20 years behind the United States? If so, I apologize in advance for your forthcoming racist prime minister candidate in 2036.
Sean Penn cast as a 19th Century English doctor? Does Gibson not use casting directors or was everyone just drunk?
Wait, what? I still see a whole lotta reviewing goin' on. Are they moving to no reviews at all? What kind of business strategy is that? I mean, aren't reviews kind of the whole point of the AV Club?
Slightly related: So the AV Club has dropped The Strain from its weekly TV reviews, huh? I mean, I can't be the only person hate-watching this show, can I?
I think Zombie is best when he's a bit…controlled (ie not everything needs to be a redo of 70s schlock horror). At one point he was on deck to write/direct a new version of The Blob but he changed his mind, which is too bad, because his initial descriptions of how he'd tackle it sounded fantastic.
Hey, "Dickasaurus Rex" is trending at 250,654 in overall sales so take *that* EMG!
"Dunham's new book was so good even I give it a standing ovation" - Kaepernick
She's publishing it via Lenny, a Random House imprint that she owns/manages. Some of us call that "self-published"
From the left in my Major Metro Area I get an indie progressive (hippie) radio station, then Christian Talk, then NPR, then 5 more Christian stations, then Spanish, Contemporary Hits Radio (Clear Channel). So, yeah.
The fact that you're calling Arcade Fire "rock" means I'm a dinosaur (and I like Arcade Fire). I think Velvet Revolver was the last real rock album I heard. Foo Fighters (of course). The Struts are a lot of fun (even if they're channeling Freddie Mercury - if you're going to steal, steal from the best).
/sad face
Pretty sure "more rape" is in HBO's strategic plan for new programming since Game of Thrones is on the way out.
"Hey, what do people say they like about that GoT show?"
"Characters. Huge cinematic fight scenes. Complex plots."
"That's pretty hard to do…and damn expensive - lets just add a lot of rape to all our new…
I'm from ye olden times where you could hear new music on the radio. Like, actual new music that no one had heard before. People tell me to check out Pitchfork but that place makes me want to punch a baby when I read it.