
Winter is coming.

"since the show was released a summer ago, " IT WAS RELEASED ON JULY 15th. How the hell do they get "A summer ago" from that? IT'S STILL SUMMER.

I'd totally forgotten that.

/rips shirt off, jumps in the air to chest bump Zero.

Right? It feels like a Gronk reality show on E! would be awesome, but maybe he's just as dumb as Lochte and had better advisers warning him to stay away from reality television.

I'd love to see another Firefly movie…but can we have Adam Baldwin die in this one? Because fuck that guy.

Hotness, basically.

PG is the new G. That's baby-stuff. PG-13 used to be a soft R (think Dreamscape) but now it's just about everything. Heck, network TV is almost PG-13.

That's what The CW is for.

Because there are more than 18 - 22 year olds in the world?

But they gave Trevor Noah's Daily Show a loooooot of rope. It's just now starting to have close to the numbers Stewart did when he left a year ago. And, honestly, what's the rating requirement for a Comedy Central show at 11:30? Nothing is going to come close to Colbert (hell, Colbert's current gig isn't drawing

If an open letter published anonymously on Pajiba (*Pajiba*, for f's sake!) causes the *director* of a major studio motion picture to respond you've got a problem.

Okay, okay, *some* of it is pretty good?

The funny thing is that most of the rest of that Magic! album is pretty good.

I remember when I saw the first photo about a year ago and told people "No, those tattoos are just a joke; the final version of this character will be much better." Then I realized the Juggalo version *was* the final version and just gave up.

The whole movie takes place during the Homecoming dance. The main dramatic arch is Peter's contest with Flash Thompson to win Mary Jane's heart…and get that darn corsage on her without pinning any skin.

No way. After Reverse Flash, sure, but Hunter Zolomon only showed up in the 2000s. Boomerang is at least on par with Captain Cold and Mirror Master. The Rogues were all pretty much on equal footing. I think they stayed away from some of these because of The Flash tv show (although CC has appeared in Arrow…so has

Not into hip hop. I missed the boat when hip hop became the dominant culture (late 90s/2000s). By "white" I really mean bland and corporate (see the AV Club's review of the fake Matchbox 20 album "Beige" for what I'm talking about).

#NotAll90sMusic Also, I agree with the poster, above, who mentioned the first two CC albums as good (with exceptions for 24/7 radio play of Mr Jones) and then CC falling off a cliff.

I think they should have bumped it out a year. With only six weeks to write and throw together this is what you get. What I don't get is what the rush was? It's not like people were clamoring for a SS movie. Give it a full year, get it right, and it could be great (and lead into a solo Batman movie since you're