
So, no Jessica Jones in this one? A little Iron Fist tease maybe? And it looks like they've got the Daredevil fight-a-bunch-of-dudes-in-a-narrow-hallway shot in this one as well. I'm 200% on board.

Have you been to the dentist lately? A supermarket, perhaps?

I feel like we need a #90sSoWhite hashtag for so much of the music that came out this decade. While I really love Counting Crows, this was an astonishing level of bland, safe, boring pop culture going on. Terrible decade.

I think the last episode I watched was the one where Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze auditioned for Chippendales.


If Boomerang is a B list villain who is the A list villain for The Flash? The Reverse Flash (who is in the current run of Suicide Squad comics)?

I'm not a huge fan of SS, but to see a variety of critics not get the source material is frustrating. The challenge is that DC (and Marvel) are straightjacketing their directors to fit a multiple-movie story arc and Brand, which makes many of these things feel generic. Marvel is doing a better job because their

Also, if you have to look up that "Midway City" is the home of Hawkman, and you don't catch that the John Ostrander Federal Building is named after a well-known comic writer from (primarily) the 80s (creator of Grimjack!) then maybe don't review a superhero movie with deep Easter Eggs. That's the biggest disconnect

How did I know that neither one of these guys owned a comb?

Hey, these are the only discussions where I don't feel *old* so I take my cheap pot shots where I can.

Throwing Copper was great (saw that show at a college in 1995 - Live were *very* new then). But, man, did they start believing their own self-importance, which seemed to affect a lot of alternative bands (Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam).

You're too young to be on this thread. Do you parents know you're on the internet?

Cake is from my hometown (Sacramento), a place desperate to be known, anywhere, beyond the county limits. Like Tesla in the 80s, another Sac town favorite, Cake was EVERYWHERE in 1996.

True, but many of us lived in areas without a college radio station, so the radio was all we had. Hell, as a die hard Gen Xer, I still only hear "new" music on the radio, and it all sucks, so I live with the records of my past.

The issue with DC's movies (and, to a lesser extent, the MCU) is that they're run by risk-averse studio suits, not directors and writers. The Dark Knight worked because DC wasn't building a universe around Nolan's film(s) and let him do what he wanted, which was make a modern crime film like Heat but with Batman

I officially give up on everything. /turns on Stranger Things. Sighs

Hey now, Diamonds Are Forever is great. You can practically see Connery winking at the camera in every scene.

Next you'll be telling me that In Living Color ended in 2005…

That's pretty much why a lot of people hate it.

The 3rd Act Twist is that Arthur is actually a biker from California who drove his Harley through a wormhole and ended up in 5th Century England.