
So, he's played American so long he actually lost his (native) English accent? I mean, he sounds like an American putting on a bad London lilt. What is up with Hunan?

Richard Gere's non-English accent is better than Hunan's American-whatever-the-hell-he's-doing one

Kelly's Heroes in spandex.

"Lost marked the first time in my life when I actually watched a show and said to myself, "Wait a minute. You can tell the writers are spinning their wheels here and do not have a clue as to proceed." <ahem> Battlestar Galactica

"The Dark Towyr"

2 bothered me for a couple of reasons (although it's still a lot of fun): The South African part hit the audience over the head. Yes, they're all Evil Racists, we get it. But the retconning of Rigg's wife being a murder and not an accident (as it was in LW 1) detracted from the central nature of Rigg's suicidal nature

I don't know the mom, but Chew is Burt Baccarat's brother.

But, what if you need to fill up your car. You'd want gas then, not water, right? Or are you thirsty? But then you'd have to walk home. So confused.

Dude. You need to go watch all of The Shield, the Justified, then the one or two episodes of Sons of Anarchy he's in (but you can skip the rest. Well, watch the first two or three seasons then skip the rest).

I did, too, but he's an idiot and I can't imagine how terrible it would be to date her character. Obnoxious and annoying. I made it through the first 3 or 4 episodes and that was it. What is it about horrible people in shows lately? I mean people you'd like to punch in the face (hello, entire cast of Girls) but we're

If you hate Jet Jaguar stay far away from Ready Player One.

Except that most of the "big" reviews (Hollywood Reporter, Variety" hated it. It's got a 64% at Metacritic for Pete's sake.

So cut it in fourths.

"It’s scenes like these that show the showrunners too eager to skip over what makes Martin’s books so engrossing: The details in travel, the minute character motivations, and the chances and luck that set plots in wildly different directions than anticipated. "…hundreds of pages of what people ate, what they wore,

So, was ID4: R so bad your reviewer drank himself into a coma, because that review still isn't up yet.

I was really hoping Zack Snyder had taken over directing duties. /watches as Squeeks kills human co-star with laser headlight-eyes

The track list for the soundtrack hasn't been released yet, so don't get excited too soon.

Really, this is hot buttered shit.

Wait, it's a cover of the original theme? THEY DIDN'T EVEN WRITE AN ORIGINAL SONG? Jesus.

I'd argue that every Housewives series counts as a gay drama…