
So, aside from Franz and the Killers I haven't heard of any of these bands…the early aughts were FF, The Killers, and everything on The OC soundtrack(s).

Hey, you've got the entire Bravo network, what more do you want?

So happy Hayden Christensen found work.

This is an example of what can go wrong when your comic book division has to line up with your film/tv unit. Doubling down on the Inhumans because FOX owns the rights to everything Mutant is a straight jacket for the writers. Why the comics have to have anything to do with the MCU is beyond me (synergy, I guess?) but

You're right, and now I'm sorry for giving Snyder credit for that one.

/pours one out for Prince Be

Great - now I'm picturing a Snyder grimdark Dukes of Hazzard remake…

The defense presents "Dawn of the Dead" and "Slither" your honor.

"t will mostly feel like looking at a picture book with nothing emotional or meaningful to relate to." So, 1990's Image comics, right?

"the books…which I expected to move forward narratively." We all did, brother. We all did.

I peeked. Pure, unvarnished, racism and white power memes. Also, if Snoop Dog is against it it's okay for white people to tell us how they really feel about it, too.

It's filmed in the Rock Hill, SC part of West Virginia, so there's that…

I just realize the huge potential for a series of Purge/Mother's/Valentines/New Years/Etc Day mash ups. Where A list stars appear for mere minutes to get murdered on a rotating murder holiday each year so that American Can Remain Great.

Maybe the beard is prep work for his role as Black Adam in the forthcoming Shazam movie…

I cannot up vote this enough. Dying.

Nazi Charlie Brown > Nazi Charlie America.

That's where it's from, with several folks doing a side-by-side comparison of Ligotti's words coming out of Rust Cohle's mouth.

Although a rabid comic reader/collector in the 80s I missed this entire run because in 1986 The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, and Crisis on Infinite Earths pulled me away from Marvel until the Marvel Knights imprint in 1998. Now I associate the X-Men not with the John Byrne run of my youth but as a piece with the