
Damn. This article made me realize that Brand New Day was the last Sting album I ever bought.

Synchronicity is arguably their worst album (and it's still great). It's well-regarded due to massive overplaying of Wrapped Around Your Finger, etc, but their earlier work is much better.

GRRM needs an editor. Badly. If you cut out all of the meal descriptions you'd get rid of half the book. My understanding is 1,000 pages places each character about 10 minutes ahead of where they were at the end of the previous book.

I'm still only halfway through A Dance With Dragons…and I bought it in hardback when it came out two (three?) years ago. Just. Can't. Get. Through. It. Also, forgot who about half the characters were in the *decade* since I'd last read them. Ugh.

Wait, Dr. Who isn't returning until *2017*?

This. It's like he outsourced his personality.

The basis for this was actually Millar and Bendis' Ultimate Fantastic 4, which was great, but the f'ed it all up. Honestly, if they'd just literally transcribed the first story arc onto a shooting script this film would have been great. And get someone else to direct.

Some thoughts:

It sounds like the 90s. All of them.

Bad English or GTFO.

Best use of actor's headshots, ever.

Foo Fighters = Air Supply with balls.

Adam Levine looked good for about 5 minutes a few years ago when Maroon 5 was all into wearing suits in their videos but then he douched the shit out of himself. Their music has always sounded like it was grown in a lab for people to listen to while waiting in line at Starbucks.

I'm sure I'm not the first one, but I'm suggesting a reviewer of Daredevil have at least a cursory understanding of the source material. The show is based *heavily* on Frank Miller's run, where ninjas were everywhere. It's kind of Miller's thing (see also, Wolverine).

So, not a film adaptation of Turn Off The Dark? I was so looking forward to a singing Green Goblin in the MCU.

Iron Spider! /crosses fingers

So, Iron Man is totally getting that Aunt May action, right?

Something else. Am I remembering wrong or were Ember and Umber actual giant rams in the book and in the show it's a fat guy was some fake-looking horns on his head? It seems like they really ran out of all of their budget and just hand-waved the entire thing. And when did they ever mention that Martin killed Umber? I

I have to give it a minute before I really process this episode. As someone who was a huge, huge fan of the books this entire series Through Me by not directly adapting The Source material. Just never made sense to me as the material is so strong why would you mess with it? But I went along with it. Until this last

As long as that naked woman is The Wasp (MCU synergy!)