
If this were made 30 years ago Schwarzenegger would have been the lead (human, not Kong).

Upvoted for smoothing up In a Bulletboys reference.

He'll be the Governor of Simi Valley by Season 4.

It's the Star Wars version of the Inception fog horn that was in every trailer from 2010 - 2015.

Some sort of…Suicide Squad.

"Downton Abbey Pants" For Keeping The Side Up.

Hugh & Crye.

Excellent analysis. At the risk of denouncing "you kids" I was a senior in HS when TDKR came out and it's not exaggeration to say it changed the way I saw comics and superheroes (along with Watchmen, which came out that same year). If you weren't alive (and old enough to get what Miller was doing) I'm not sure you

If Ray Wise was playing The Devil (from Reaper) the whole time this movie would be fantastic. Missed opportunity.

Didn't make the height requirement.

Now you've got me thinking of a PCU (Purge Cinematic Universe) ala Marvel.

Just when I thought I couldn't feel any older, *this list* comes along.

Where every in-car scene is filmed on the same under-construction freeway in LA?

Wait. The guy from Ex Machina is Poe Dameron? *And* Apocalypse from the new X-Men movie? I did not know these things.

/waits for the reboot where COBRA are actually the good guys

For anyone wondering where the Batman nightmare came from, or where Snyder might be going with Darkseid and Superman, here's a hint:…

Of course they wanted this to be another Star Wars. THEY MADE ACTION FIGURES FOR THIS MOVIE.

Ha'penny Dreadful.

"I loved what he did with Star Wars but has he done anything original?" That's supposed to be sarcasm, right, or did you miss The Force Awakens?