
They can just use Christian Slater the same way he was used in Mr. Robot….

And Helena Bonham Carter.

If you have to explain/apologize this much this far in advance you're losing.

Well that'll certainly bring in the GOP primary crowd. Nice job, Marvel.


So, Spider Man is…12? 13?

Sure, but a huge part of the book was the build up regarding Fillory and the Chatwins. Now, in the series, they pretty much lead with that and, combined with rough editing, have people confused about what's going on. I didn't realize Jane was teaching at Brakebills until she was killed and AV Club commenters

Battlestar Galactica would like a word with you.

So, wait, they revealed that Jane Chatwin was real, and exists, (which, IIRC, doesn't happen until the end of book 1) and THEY KILLED HER (which doesn't happen at all…). I've said it before, but the show is becoming more and more tangentilly related to the source material, which is a shame, because the source

Assassin's Creed: Rogue covered this duality between the Assassins and Templars quite well, and remains my second favorite game (after the excellent Black Flag) in the series.

"It's a Cadillac" "I'll slap the evil outta you" and, of course, "That's going to leave a mark"

Are they from SNL? Is that still a thing that people watch?

So, I've never heard of either Kate McKinnon or Leslie Jones. /checks IMDB: hasn't heard of anything they've ever done.

Did this show get better after the first episode? It's still on, so I guess that's something, but I couldn't make it through the first hour without wanting to punch every single character. Did you guys just muscle through until it got funny, or is everyone watching a show where they want all the characters to die in a

So, either the film will cost $500m to get the rights to the huge number of copyrighted references in the book…or it'll have more product placement than a James Bond film.

If they bought the house in the early 80s the might be paying about $4k a year. Doable.

So…basically nothing from the book is being kept at this point, right? Trials by students…I don't know. I'm looking at it as a completely different series that happens to share a title with one of my all-time favorite novels.

"Only 2 1/2 hours? Amateur." - Kevin Costner

You just dissed the entire MCU…except Iron Man (the first one)