
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of the Next Day

So does Earth-1…it's a resort in the Bahamas. What, you assumed Earth-2 had a lost kingdom? Pfft.

While I think that's harsh, they've really painted themselves into a corner with Judith. Babies never work out on *regular* shows, and finding ways to keep a walking zombie-attractor alive episode after episode is straining the already thin credibility of the show. But, no one wants to be the writer who Killed Off a

"I should be willing to embrace all the potential facets of a show about people killing and sometimes getting killed by ambulatory corpses. A single message would be too limiting for an experience as rich as this."

Speak of the devil…

"I'M IN!" - Billy Idol, probably.

With every episode of this show it feels like the producers only read the book jacket of each novel and then said "Welp, we've got enough here to write a show on. No need to actually read these things."

One big problem: Kurtzman. Okay, two: SVOD.

*ahem* Mulan, anyone? *pushes glasses back on nose*

Jai Courtney was busy with Suicide Squad.

A key difference between The Expanse and The Magicians is that the former's authors are heavily involved (producing and, in some cases, writing the episodes). Lev Grossman sold the rights to the showrunner from Supernatural (Sera Gamble) and, while I like Supernatural, it's not a deep show.

They're burning through almost everything that made the books great: characterization. We don't know who these people are; others have been cut out, Julie's journey has been reduced to a Google search and some tantric hand positions. Just, ugh, lots of disappointment. Also, it feels like 25 minutes of commercials and

"Storyboards" = lots of IHOP napkins with stick figures all over them.

“Mitsubishi Macchiato” is the most Vampire Weekend thing ever.

I'd heard the new guitarist was Peter Spidermanji.

I know the medium precludes the message, but I'm a bit tired of full season reviews consisting of two or three episodes. Didn't SyFy provide reviewers more than what the rest of us are going to have by the end of the day?

/Joker puts on JNCO jeans with multiple chains.

When this makes more than BvS I'm going to laugh my ass off.

It's the newest (full) trailer. Batman in trench coat and goggles fighting people on a roof with parademons flying around him.…