
/hands David a paper bag to breathe into.

So, Bane's origin from Batman and Robin?

Aren't there a bunch of parademons flying around Steampunk Batman in the desert during the BvS trailer at some point?

True. CW's Flash show is using a lot of Waid's mythology (Zoom, the Speed Force, etc).

It's pretty clear that the movie version of Doomsday is a retelling of the Bizarro origin as well i.e. bad Kryptonian clone.

5 characters? Pfft - Marvel Studios

I said the same thing about Simon Pegg's defense of Star Trek: Beyond after the Max Max commercial came out for that film. If you're explaining in advance…

With Carlton Cuse I expect lots of set up with no payoff and questions that will never be answered. Amirite?

The problem is you'll get the Hannah Horvath version…

What, no African American actors? Racists.

I was hoping for World War Z: The Series (based on Max Brooks' excellent novel) but I got…something else. Of course, WWZ: The Movie wasn't World War Z either, sooo…

I would watch the shit out of a Revolutionary War zombie show.

So, future Hawkeye is Green Arrow from Miller's The Dark Knight?

Welp, they're making two more movies and Disney's is in the middle of building a huge section of Animal Kingdom based on Pandora, so, not as forgotten as people think, perhaps?

The Bates' story has been 6 years of red herrings. I'd like him more if he'd actually killed his wife and murdered Green. As it is, he's the beneficiary of random acts of violence to remove his problems (ex wife, raper of current wife).

So, Bates totally murdered his wife and forged the note (as demonstrated by his excellent forging of a note for Lord Grantham, later in the series), right? And then murdered Green? Please tell me that entire 5 season plot thread was all coincidence and Bates is just a normal guy. Fellowes seems to write threads and

Judging from the Tachi's fight and escape it looks like a lot of folks from Battlestar Galactica got a job on the Expanse. Good stuff.

I really like Kurt Russell and Walter Goggins.

Jurassic World made $200m+ in its opening weekend? /vomits

And, as it's on CBS (ie your grandparent's favorite network) it's exactly in the right place for (ahem) older TOS fans who are still mad that William Shatner wasn't in JJ Abram's reboot.