
Man, if you're apologizing this far in advance for your movie…

Sounds about right, although I might be in the minority that I really like what QT has to say about film, and art, and the current state of entertainment in America, and film vs TV, etc, but his work just doesn't grab me.

Quick question/observation: JJ is very good at remaking movies. I'm not sure how he is with his own work because I feel like I haven't seen it yet. Super 8 was literally created using the Amblin template. Both Star Trek movies were heavily..ahem…influenced by previous ST films (remakes are the new plagiarism), and

You just need a wider tablet.

"trying to look like an entitled white kid trying too hard to be cool" You sir, have just described his entire body of work.

So, if you hated the first Kill Bill (never watched the second, or any Tarantino film since), and only saw Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs before that, you should skip this, right? Asking for a friend.

Which is appropriate as the two authors worked with GRRM on GoT before heading out on their own.

Finally, the hoodie and Ray Bans are gone. Now about that guitar…Great episode, but I don't want Mid Life Crisis Dr.Who. Eccentric is good; dressing like a teenager, not so much.

Wait, Trish's mom is Rebecca de Morney? Woah. Unrecognizable.

If they'd named it "Marvel's Thor: Heart of the Sea" it'd make $150m before people realized what was happening.

Bit your tongue: True Lies is fantastic.

Because "Super Ménage à trois" tested terribly with test audiences.

"I think he's great!" - Jared Leto

Really? Jesus. Maybe I'm glad I haven't read any DC comics since 2005…

And also playing the same character in all of those films…

You just won the prize for nerdiest comment on a Superman v. Batman thread. #winning

Braffed Off.

To be fair, that woman was Rachael Bilson, so no one should blame him for going after her.

So, Batman is a Browncoat. Good to know.

"a silly war of attrition" You just described all of Fallout 3. Haven't played any others but I'm guessing they're exactly the same.