
I had totally forgotten Giamatti was in that…thanks *barfs*

Please don't ever have Dr Who play a guitar again…or wear a hoodie…I don't like midlife crisis Who.

Election 15: Walking Dead Edition. Now *that's* a hanging Chad.

I'm particularly outraged at all the Austrailian and British actors playing Americans. Stop the madness!

Well they cast an African American guy as Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four so it all evens o- /gets hit over the head with shovel

This movie (along with Nivrana/Soundgarden) fits into my perfect encapulation of the early 90s (fie on thee, mid-to-late 90s Limp Bizcuit music and Friends TV show). As time passes I realize what a small window of time that was (culturally, not just chronologically). There was a whole "new 60s/70s" thing going on,

I'm wondering if Nora's death wasn't the result of the actress taking another job; it felt like an abrupt write off as opposed to strategically planned (I know, I know: this is The Strain). It's a huge departure from the books, which makes me wonder how much out of The Night Eternal they're plahning on keeping (not

Sort of…It's Jim Carey. We're thinking "The Mask" but with a $200m budget.

Good if you want to beat traffic in the [concrete] jungle.

[Insert polishing a turd joke here]

Hello, Michael R. Trice? It's Warner. We'd like you to direct Plastic Man and you'll never guess who we've signed up to star as the lead…

Wondering when DC will reach critical mass with what has been a great slate of TV shows vs some, well, challenging movies post-Nolin Batman (okay, one movie, but still, they're giving Zach the keys to the cinematic kingdom after one film). It's been said before, but DC might be better off sticking with the small

Agree 100%, especially since sirens in the background is called "Tuesday" in NYC.

Meanwhile, on The Strain, we're two seasons in and NYC is mostly still normal.

You realize you're watching "The Walking Dead" right? Lazy writing is their mission statement.

True, but clearly we've come a long way from post-9/11 "all soldiers are heroes" stories. It's nice to be in a world where we can have soldiers be the bad guys again.

The Doctor's personality seems to have changed 180 degrees fro last season (where he was a dick the entire time). Audience push back? Moffitt's inconsistent writing? And I guess his new outfit is also gone (in favor of a hoodie)?

Kyle MacLachlan is in this show?!

Great episode. The first one where I felt Capaldi really owned being the Doctor (as opposed to last season, where he just abused Clara the whike time). Now that he's got a full season under his belt, it looks like things are going to get good.

I quit this show before Winter Soldier came out, then caught the Bill Paxson episodes at the end, then skipped all of Season 2. Somehow I was still able to follow Age of Ultron and Ant Man. Do I need to stream season 2 or are people only watching out of momentum (IE because they've seen every episode - see also