
"her baby and insides pulled out and displayed" Nope.

And *this* is why I don't play anything online.

Would never happen if they actually did it. Hahahahahahaha

To other Boston area natives: how many of us
really think that Belichick knew nothing of Brady's activity? I would say none.
I don't think Brady was dumb enough to involve Belichick directly, or tell him
anything directly but every damned time the NFL would close in
Belichick would go on with "I don't know what my

There is, and "silly" doesn't begin to cover it.

I feel the same way about Torchwood. Season 1 was great. Season 2 "meh" (great potential, not delivered). Children of Earth has shock value (and we don't discuss the abomination that was on Starz…).

Disney Channel has been running the 10th Doctor episodes and, man, I'd forgotten how far this show has fallen since he left. I initially hated Matt Smith but learned to go with it (even if the Clara nonsense was, well, nonsense, even for Dr. Who) but even after a full season (two seasons?) with Capaldi, I just can't

I'm hoping for a cross-show episode next year where Tobias (three years later in the TWD timeline) is a warlord running what's left of LA and is played by Danny Trejo.

I don't think it's that (Drugs, man…they suck); it's more about how this storyline has been used in a hundred shows. FTWD has enough tension and conflict without adding in a (seemingly) arbetrary decision to make one of the characters a heroin addict. It risks turning each chapter into A Very Special Episode and this

If the writers transcribed every page from The Fall (Book 2 of The Strain Trilogy) they'd get about 7 episodes. They're P-A-D-D-I-N-G and it shows. Badly. How they plan on getting two (!!) more seasons out of this I have no idea. They've effectively killed what made the books (well, the first two) effective thrillers:

I still don't understand how anyone likes this guy. Just terrible. Like, Greatful Dead terrible.

I would play the hell out of an Assassins Creed/Madden mash up. "Eli goes back; it's 4th and long; OH NO! Stabbed from behind by the middle linebacker"

Well, he does run around a lot.

I can't wait for the part where he gets stuck running into a wall instead of climbing up the side of a building.

Black Sails or GTFO.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one.

…"a microcosm of Southern California teen life in 1962. " Ahem. Modesto is in *Northern* California.

"Dante’s Inferno is a first year seminary student on PCP barreling through a county-fair haunted house" /slow clap

"How'd you get into Oxford, Kong? You're not even dressed right."

There's a horse waiting for you outside you'll want to get on before somebody murders you who gives a fuck about right and wrong- or I do.