
Am I the only one here who has no idea who these two people are?

The Office did that for nine seasons.

I predict a half season Dunk and Egg arc.

"We both know there's nothing more dangerous than a Welshman who had nothing to lose"

Pretty sure all of Sutter's script ideas come from metal album lyrics.


It's got its own trailer and no one was allowed to ask it questions.

He was 1/4 of an EW photo shoot but on screen less than the Asian T-1000.

"…the talk involves a lot of morphine, and the words "beautiful monster" are uttered." This is the plot of every Poppy Z. Brite novel.

Ugh. I might have finished one or two of the challenges in the three prior games. Tedious busy - work (like the Riddler, which I only finished in Asylum and it wasn't worth it).

So, was it just me, or did this movie leave a huge amount of plot threads just…hanging? And (spoiler!!!!) what a waste of Matt Smith. Huge hype for a year and he's in the movie for about 10 seconds.

And what happened to Sam Worthington? Wasn't he the new "Greatest actor of his generation" per James Cameron?

Every time I see him speak with his own accent in interviews he's great: good personality, kind of funny, etc. Why insist on making him (generic) American in everything. Hopefully he'll be better in Suicide Squad (playing Captain Boomerang, an Aussie).

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Electric Boogaloo

You had to *look up* Jordache? I know I'm a bit older, but that can't be that dated of a reference, can it?

I'm late to this episode, but I'm bothered by the fact that the guards were all Federal BOP employees, so if the prison was sold to MCC, the guards would have to be relocated to other BOP sites somewhere in the country. Now, if they chose to stay in NY, fine, but, either way, they should be wearing MCC uniforms, not

They make Lily and John Claire the monster(s) for Season 3.

Episode TWO is out? Wait, what? When is this on? Also, I couldn't get through the first 5 pages of the novel; will I like the series?


+1 Uncensored "Girls on Film"