
But that's not clear in the way you wrote it; it sounds (since the review is in your voice) that you're the one makiing that assertion, going so far as to use the past tense to describe the war (when in fact it's still very much happening).

Heroin possession is a state and federal crime; the feds only have jurisdiction if Nicky was caught on federal property, like a military base or attempting to board a plane. Being in possession in NYC falls under the state, not the feds.

Quick, nerdy, legal question: Why is Nicky in a Federal prison? Heroin possesion and GTA are state crimes, but Litchfield is Federal DOC. I know I'm probably overthinking this, but I'm trying to figure out why she isn't in Rikers or Ossining.

He's only *mostly* headless.

I only got through the first half of ADWD and will probably go back to finish now. As someone who read the books when they first came out, it had been a decade in between character chapters and I'd forgotten most of who these people were. Really, GRRM needs an editor to cut out about 500 pages from each book. Not

"-with most of the war handled by drone strikes, the “front lines” were mainly a space where soldiers goofed off-" This is one of the stupidest, most inaccurate statements I've ever read on the AV Club. Set yourself on fire (or maybe read the news every now and again). Afghanistan is not mostly handled by drones. Not

I'm with you. I've "bought" movies through Verizon only to lose them when I moved to an area where Fios wasn't available. Lost several films that way (not a Verizon subscriber, can't access on tablet or computer, sorry bro). We're creating a society that won't have any archives as software fails and nothing is

Henry Rollins in Movieline magazine, Jan/Feb 95: "Somebody should teach that f*****g Reeves how to act."

For Demi Moore alone.

With Coolio.

You're not yourself when you're hungry.

I still think that GRRM both wrote two fantastic novels that upset the tradional fantasy apple cart *and* painted himself into a corner. The main protagonists are dead, the few left are increasingly awful, and, with the death of (another) child (but no rape, so, win?) this week, the show is borderline unwatchable. I

What I thought we had here (racial differences notwithstanding) was two old friends, you know, both of us Californians?

Underpowered Superman? Post-universe changing event? John Byrne called, he wants his Man of Steel back.

Anyone else notice Hawkgirl in the city shots of people looking up at the black hole?

It just got greenlit to series on Amazon - debuts spring 2016.

California Nights is the best album of 1993.

More "Don Dies at the End" theorizing: Did anyone notice which apartment layout Don picked when given a choice by his secretary? It was the one with all white furniture. (Not so) subtle idea of heaven, or just a Formica coincidence?

The 80s NTT, or are they doing a new version?

I was a big Claremont fan, but he got silly real quick. Loved Morrison's work, but you have to view his writing as self-contained (even his JLA run was almost immediately retconned once he left DC).