
So, if I haven't read X-Men since Joss Wheedon's 12 issue arc in Astonishing X-Men, am I beyond catching up? Is it just Marvel NOW junk throughout the Marvel Universe?

Pretty sure the Venn Diagram of American's viewers and fluent Russian speakers is too damn small for anyone to care about.

They should just combine this series with The Transformers and everybody wins. 'Splosions. Cars. Hotpants. Dom driving a car from one building to another *that transforms into a robot in mid air along the way* $200 million, first weekend, easy.

I read the first two in a row…then waited for the others to come out. So, DwD kept me waiting for literally a decade to get a chapter with Tyrion. Imagine my disappointment that the latest book turned out to be an enormous travelogue.

Pirates of Ishtar.

I'm wondering if he lost the thread. If he blew his wad with the first two (and a half) books then is trying to write his way to a series of plot bullet points on a whiteboard in his office somewhere.

At this point, the only think keeping legions of fans from being massively disappointed at the (obvious) drop in quality in the books is the HBO series.

He could hire his old writing assistants, who seem to be doing just fine churning out an (excellent) book each year *and* producing a SyFy series based on said books: The Expanse.

After spending the past year trying to get more than half way through A Dance With Dragons" the only spoilers I can see happening are what the second and third courses of each meal are (so much eating!) and whether words are, indeed, wind to Jon Snow. Honestly, compared to the first two (three?) books, this one is

Mikey and Wynn, driving around the country, turning into a superhero with a magic word and righting wrongs…wait, that's Shazam.…

I was in the neighborhood. And I don't know if I hate the show: I hated the first episode and never came back.

People are still watching this show?

I would watch the shit out of that, especially if they made Judge Reinholdt the villain.


Clearly, you've never read the comics. There's a very good (and horrible) reason Alexandria has remained "untouched." It also feeds directly into why they're happy to recruit a bunch of hard core people like Rick's bunch.

When the arm comes off the high school QB in the hero's hand…man, creepy as hell.

Okay, I'll fess up: I stopped watching this show in the first season (first episode after Winter Soldier). Bad acting, ties to a Marvel Universe I didn't really get (stopped reading Marvel in about 1990, but up on all the movies), low budget, etc. Now it seems to be…good? Do I go online and catch up?

I've never heard of any of the collaborators mentioned in this review except Kanye and Manaj (who I wish would die in a fire already). "Chance the Rapper?" Who are these people? /might not listen to hip hop

"Confessions on a Dance Floor…was my introduction to her at 14" Jesus Christ. /am old /had her first two albums on vinyl…when they came out.

There should be a law that DC heroes are only allowed on TV if they're on The CW (except John Constantine: he should be on HBO or Showtime after Penny Dreadful). CBS is going to dick this up all to hell.