
Or…I could pay HBO $15/month and not worry about it.

I've heard of them, but they seem more trouble than they're worth. Don't you have to bounce your signal from a third world country so you don't get traced or something like that?

Gene Hackman as Magneto.

Spider Man is going to have a hell of a time swinging off a bunch of 1 and 2 story buildings (that only make up a single block). I am, however, looking forward to Steampunk Ultron (tm).

What is a "torrent" and can I a) watch it in HD and b) without giving all of China my personal information?

This sounds like a bad film Bret Easton Ellis wishes he wrote.

Evidently Paige is the only 14 year old girl in 1982 not playing holes in her copy of "Rio" all night long.

If that goes in a Bioshock/plasmids arc, I'd be interested. As it is, it sounds like a piss-thin attempt at social commentary.

Oh, Jesus.

As for The Inhumans…where's Black Bolt, Medusa, and that giant bulldog with the tuning fork on his head?

Why is Iron Man's armor silver…with that dumb headbandy thing?

Now if we could just go back and remove all the Highlander sequels that'd be great.

How is this not on the CW? What kind of rights shenanigans did DC/Warner sign away in the 80s?

Really looking forward to the spin off where Anna and Mr. Bates retire and move to California to open up a hotel and finally have a child (a son, Norman, born in 1932). What would that show be called…?

I haven't picked up a comic (other than The Walking Dead and the Hawkeye TBPs) since 2005. What'd I miss?

Clearly no one at the AV Club has ever heard of Pianosaurus.

I see what you did there. #WildCards

This seems like a long way to go just to resurrect Peter Parker…

Somewhere there's a gif of that piano scene…

The only way this should could have gotten more insufferable was to send its hack-writer lead to the snobbiest most overrated writing program in the country. Mission: Accomplished!