
This show was so much better when Scott Bakula was the lead.

So, this is the most depressing show on TV, right? I've read all the comics, and let me say that Kirkman hasn't found a plot he can't recycle yet (really, it's all The Governor over and over again…). If Lost taught us anything, it's that people want answers, or some sort of forward momentum, at least, and TWD is

For looking cool. Sith always get the cool factor.

Okay, mostly excellent. The ending…wasn't really an ending. It felt like Davies wasn't expecting a Season Two.

The first two seasons were excellent. Children of Earth was dark as hell. I'm pretending the Starz show was a terrible dream brought on by bad pizza.

I'm mixed on this. Liked a couple of Capaldi's episodes, but it's such a radical departure for Dr. Who (at least since the reboot in '05) that I'm still adjusting. Didn't like Matt Smith until about mid-way through his season, but liked Tennant immediately. I think it's the tone of this season, not Capaldi, that's

Really, why isn't this set in the UK?

This was one of this season's worst Supernatural episodes, and Sam and Dean weren't even in it!

And the Psycho-Pirate's mask, seen in the mirror.

Uh, because Ryan Murphy is gay as all get out, and he always puts camp stuff like this in his shows?

Just stopping by to say that Intried the game at a friend's house, at night, with headphones. Absolutely terrifying. The sound is amazing and had me jumping at everything. Really, the most atmospheric horror game I can remember.

Right? For a moment I thought the show was going to go back to the Law of Conservation of Black Characters (i.e. the number of African American characters must remain constant, so that if one is added - Gabrial - one must immediately die) and kill off Bob.

Probably, although I've heard it's a game where you spend huge amounts of time hiding from things instead of fighting them. Also, you spend the prologue saving your daughter (heck, even playing as her for a bit) only to have her killed. That in itself made me say "Nope."

Right? I kept getting killed carrying the girl because I couldn't run straight and fast enough to avoid getting eaten to death. Then I found out you do all that only to have your daughter killed and I said "Nope. Not my kind of game."

For those wondering, regular episodic coverage of Supernatural has been cut by The AV Club. They are planning a 100th Episode review, but nothing further.

Not really. I never finished Assassin's Creed (the first one) because, after getting killed about 30 times in a row in the final battle I said "F this." Had the same issue with the final boss in Uncharted 2 (but not 1 and 3): died over and over, rage quit, never went back. I've been playing Dead Space for about 3

This is the standard "You suck, n00b!" argument seen in game reviews. Here's my response: A game needs to work (that is, be entertaining) for all levels of player. Yes, if you start in Hard or Extreme (or whatever they call it) level you'll be smoked again and again. But if you don't spend your life playing video

Anyone else notice that the transport they're on is the "ship" from Disney's Star Tours ride? Right down to the droid driver.

Eric Thurm became a demon, is singing kareoke and eating meatball sandwiches, sleeping with small-town skanks.

That was Denise Crosby?! *suddenly realizes he hasn't seen her in anything since ST: TNG, shocked to find out she's not 24 anymore*